You probably could’ve seen this coming from a mile or ten away, but here it is:


8 Comments on “”

  1. fangzhao says:

    And there’s no lol jk for me! lolol

    P.S.: I’ll be making a pseudo-aniblog/personal blog in the near future (mostly because personal = anime for me most of the time anyway). Read it if you want. Add me on facebook if you want. Spam my twitter if you want. Check this comment a lot to find the link if you want.

    Otherwise, it’s been a decent run, and have fun watching more anime during your procrastination time in the future.


    EDIT: Here it is. It’s going to contain my ramblings on life. (because I originally had and deleted it. I was dumb.)

  2. RP says:

    It’s certainly not surprising, but still sad to see you “officially” go. Good run mate!

  3. mefloraine says:

    I was wondering if this was really it or if there would be a lol jk. Was also considering just commenting with “bye”, but eh!

    Forcing us to check this comment a lot, so cruel~

  4. glothelegend says:


  5. Rasu says:

    What is your FB?

  6. bluedrakon says:

    It steals your time and your SOUL!

  7. Will the new blog focus on your adventures in the anime-club? If so, I’ll add you to my Top 8. kk?

    annnnnnnnnnd I love you 🙁

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