The Otaku Elimination Game


12 Comments on “The Otaku Elimination Game”

  1. yea… I’m not on the list either =(


  2. Seinime says:

    LOL. Just submit yourself for fun.

  3. fangzhao says:

    No way.

    I hate the way they do things, and the concept itself. I hated ABA, too (so glad that there’s no ABA ’09…), but this goes beyond ABA’s level of faggotry.

    divine does not own RandomC, Panther’s name is not deathseeker (hell, it even says on the front page who the author is), and Anime Blips is not a blog!

    I hate their idea because they don’t know shit about the blogosphere, even if they have attended every Comiket since 1900.

    • 7 says:

      You do know that by posting this, you’ll appear on their radar and will eventually be tracked “incredible google skills.” 😀

      Then again, considering RandomC is owned by divine, AnimeBlips is a blog, and that the owner of notcliche and nekosasu’s think box is one and the same, I wouldn’t worry too much about it.

      • fangzhao says:

        Hah. Seeing as how Sea Slugs!, blogsuki, and Baka Raptor aren’t even on their list, I bet they only look around and google results for “anime.” D:

        • see, that’s the thing, if he/she/anon were to rate our otaku-ness, it would be like this:

          “Epi’s not an otaku cause he has a RL girlfriend. Kabitzin isn’t an otaku either cause he’s married and has a newborn son. Jesus159159159 is probably the MOST NON-OTAKU OUT THERE CAUSE ALL HE DOES IS REFERENCE SCOOBY-DOO, LADY GAGA, AND DISNEY!!! FAIL!!!”

          =( I’ll admit it… I’m not otaku! D:


      • fangzhao says:

        P.S.: I find it odd that they targeted Seinime and Gargron, but not you, who manages Kokido Kombine…

  4. Panther says:

    Bad or good idea I think this is a good chance to get some laughs out of it. Constructive or not, the blogosphere has always, somehow, been picking up all the stuff that trolls and thrive on hate, so it should be interesting to see what they actually write.

    We should after all be mature/intelligent enough to judge for ourselves which is truth and which is falsehood (about what they write) and guess which are actually constructive suggestions.

    On another note, yes, why am I called “deathseeker” in there? 🙁

  5. Brian says:

    ROFL for the on-going flame war. But seriously, flaming can be both constructive and entertaining.

  6. Canne says:

    I think there’s too much sarcasm and word play in their post. It’s like making fun of someone to make others laugh. A bully? I don’t really know, yet.

    • fangzhao says:

      They’re just dragging out anything they can find (or make up) in order to get more views. “Constructive criticism” is definitely not part of their vocabulary.

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