Tayutama -Kiss on My Deity- 02: Shrunken heads and more
Posted: April 23, 2009 Filed under: Uncategorized 3 Comments »There are three main reasons why I’m watching this anime (in order of importance):
- Norio Wakamoto.
- Blogging material and a few laughs (artistic failure).
- The loli imouto. Furry… not so much.
I’m going to start off by picking on Ayako (subs). I usually find Ayako to be a pretty good subbing group, but this episode wasn’t… that good…
First off, do you really need to translate “Favourite” to “favorite” in romaji and english? Stay consistent!
Then, take a look at the first image in this post.
I’m not sure if this is actually supposed to be an innuendo (and I’m not sure if Mashiro is actually supposed to be doing a thumbs-up sign), but that’s what it looks like to me.
What the hell?
=> “Please look after me.”
Translation’s a bit too literal, no?
This episode featured some hilarious poses.
And by hilarious, I mean “useless and overly dramatic.”
I’m pretty sure the perfect (I MADE A PUN THING ROFLCOPTER) does the above pose three times in this episode at the very least.
“Who the hell do you think she is?!”
No really, I can’t recall her name. Stupid not-very-memorable characters.
I know that sideburns is still in shock at something Mashiro said, but Yuu is also posing. Why again must Yuu pose if his friend poses?
It’s not like Yuu is shocked to learn that Mashiro is the goddess…
See? Even Yuu knows how stupid it is for Miss (insert name-that-I-already-forgot-here) to pose like that while talking.
There was some pretty pathetic art here.
Basically… Akikan! : Winter 2008 :: Tayutama : Spring 2009.
The art isn’t as bad as Akikan’s art, but it’s still far from “decent.”
Akikan! really overdid it with the eyes-covering-hair thing, and Tayutama is putting a twist on that. Instead of hair > eyes or eyes > hair, it’s more of a eyes = hair deal. You can see the hair through the eye and the eye through the hair.
I like the hands. </sarcasm>
And thus we see the beginning of a Tayutama trademark: the shrunken head.
Obviously, Mashiro is no Power Puff Girl, so her eyes should not take up half of her face. They should be much smaller than those enormous bowling ball-sized THINGS on her face in this picture (see the first picture for a good comparison).
Speaking of shrunken heads (you’ll want to click for the bigger version)…
What can I say? Disregarding the horrendous clapping animation, this scene is still an enormous failure. It’s about as nightmarish as this thing…
I’m going to dissect this picture one bit at a time, saving the worst for last.
Note that I did not alter the size of any of the pictures below.
I did not enlarge nor did I shrink any picture.
All I did was crop and add some arrows and text.
Let’s start at the bottom row.
No noses, no pupils, and one is looking in the wrong direction.
Pretty bad, but not that bad yet.
And the shrunken head disease hits.
The rightmost student’s head is a LOT bigger than the head of the leftmost student.
Okay, nothing much to note besides the shrunken heads, lack of noses, etc.
This is getting boring, so I’m going to speed it up.
This is the right side, by the way.
The person in the bottom right has no face, the person above her has half a face, and the person in the top right has one eye and a mouth.
Quite racist to Asians.
Screw it, I’m just going to get to the worst part.
If you look closely at the picture, you’ll find that there are different numbers of students on either side of the classroom.
The artists forgot to draw in two students on the left, four rows from the top.
But that’s not the bad part.
The bad part is on the right side, where they did bother to draw in the extra two students. Problem is, it turned out like shit.
See the two-headed monster three from the top on the left? Yeah. That. Although they’re supposed to be in different seats, it looks a lot like they’re one enormous creature sitting in one row.
Oh, and these are all girls. Half of them look awfully like males.
Behold the power of my beyond-pickiness!
But really, I laughed at this scene even before looking beyond the third row. Shrunken heads, mechanical clapping, lack of noses, lack of faces, THE TEACHER HAVING FOUR FINGERS ON HER LEFT HAND, etc. Although the errors in the top of the picture could be excused, I don’t think that the shitty quality of the first two rows of “students” can be ignored.
I made a post about epic facial expressions a while ago.
After watching this episode, I want to do a counter-post to that: Crappy Facial Expressions of Spring 2009.
Yuu looks retarded in the picture above. Is this some weird shoujo anime? No, it’s directed towards males. I don’t think males want to see a guy pretending to be moaning.
…I don’t think I need to do in detail why Yuu looks bad here.
Still sleepy?
(Obviously, sideburns takes the cake for worst expression ever.)
Granted, there was one incredibly awesome facial expression in this episode…
…though I don’t think it was done on purpose.
As for the other (arguably more important) elements of this episode…
- Fanservice was forced and did not come across well.
- Only smart girls go to Flawless.
That’s why they’re the only ones to notice Mashiro’s ears. - Get out of my face, you stupid “cute” creatures.
- Obvious plotline is obvious.
- Screw it, I’m going to sleep.
After reading this post, I am starting to get some serious Akane-Iro ni Somaru Saka vibes from this show and that can’t be good.
You are VERY observant. That gets in your way of enjoying the anime. But what the hell.
Didnt see that one. Yuu’s shrunken head and the other guy’s dislocated arm. WIN!
I haven’t watched that yet, but I’m picking up some serious stereotypical harem anime vibes from this show, so that might be the same feeling…? :S
Actually, the way I blog is…
1) Watch anime + take screenshots
2) Browse through screenshots
3) If there’s enough interesting stuff, I make a post about it.
Yeah. So although it’s annoying to take screenshots at critical moments, it’s not like I realize these things right away. I usually go back and look through my folders to see if there is anything really bad.
Oh, and that dislocated arm was funny as hell (I think I forgot to talk about that in the post…?).