Failmetal Alchefail 03: Failure is fail.

Unless I’m missing something here, Ed’s metal arm switches from right to left in the two screenshots above.

Or Ed’s head could be twisted backwards in the second shot.  ( ^ 〜 ^ );

…yeah, that’s all I wanted to say.

9 Comments on “Failmetal Alchefail 03: Failure is fail.”

  1. jerseyse410 says:

    dude! i just got through watching this episode and all i can say is RAGE! heres an excerpt from my FMA ep3 thread on zomg.

    “severely dissapointed…i like the comedy that the manga had, but seriously, stop interrupting the dramatic moments with this comedic art that it keeps switching to. i want to see more of the badass edward that gives me chills and less of this stupid kiddy art that keeps weasealing its way in.

    ALSO they didnt show the bird chimera!!!!! fail! them not showing that in this episode not only cuts out a key manga plot but also doesnt explain why the human chimeras always fail. it should have shown the bird humonculous in the bed saying “kill me” but no! they cut it out. bad fullmetal alchemist remake is bad.”

    This is shit, i want my old full metal alchemist back. but i did get chills right before it switched to the episode cap when he threw his cloak off, such a great moment in this manga volume.

    • JR says:

      The automail is on his left arm because if you’d pay attention to the scene, you’d see that you’re viewing what is a reflection from Rose’s eye.

      And to the comment above, if you want to watch the original series, watch the original series lol. The chimera bird isn’t in the manga and was just filler that the first anime added in. Re-read chapters 1 and 2 from the manga and you’ll see that Lior is treated pretty much exactly the same in this new series save for 1 or 2 minor differences (Rose shooting Al, and Cornello turning into a hulking monster).

  2. fangzhao says:

    @jerseyse410: Hahah, this episode did suck majorly. Typing up a post atm.

    @Kairu: INORITE?

    @JR: I’m pretty sure that you mean right arm. (picture) Still, I can see the plausibility of that. HMMN.
    …my bad then? GOD DAMN IT.

  3. […] so I got halfway through the episode and then I made the previous post (which JR disproved… ┐(´ー`)┌ ).  Now, after watching the last ten minutes, […]

  4. yuanhao says:

    LOL!! I had seen stuff like this happen a lot in pokemon or sailor moon (6 fingers instead of 5, wrong color on someone’s shirt etc) but didn’t expect that it would happen in Full Metal Alchemist, nice find ^^!

  5. Michael Flux says:

    Well, come on, what did you expect when it seems like the whole point of this series is to recycle a few old ideas to make a few more bucks…

  6. fangzhao says:

    Um… guys, this was actually my fault, as JR helped point out.

    In other news, possibly related posts…



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