Ambivalence, or is it ambiguity?’s 300 Milestone Grand Ceremony blah blah
Posted: June 16, 2011 | Author: flomu | Filed under: Meta-ish, Misaki Thursday | 14 Comments » This post is also known as “a rather weak excuse to make a list post” because every aniblogger knows how easy it is to make list posts. Over at Ambivalence, or is it ambiguity?, Valence and co. were celebrating something really trivial and unimportant that I didn’t care about. And in this moment in their insignificant lives, all three of the authors decided to name Madoka Magica as their choice for “Best Execution.” I wrote a little bit on Madoka last week, but if you didn’t care about that long post (I know I didn’t), here’s the short version: Madoka Magica doesn’t deserve best execution. I don’t even think it deserves any execution. Come to think of it, there weren’t even any executions in the show. So in my blind rage at this defiant act against all that is just and holy in the aniblogosphere, I decided to make this post.