December 28 is Editorial Day

Think hard. Think long. Don’t think.

In my latest act of rash judgment and spontaneity, I announced on Twitter that December 28th would be Editorial Day.  If you want to participate, write an editorial on any anime-related subject of your choosing, and post it on December 28th.  I might make a list of participants.

This event is designed to make all of us non-editorial bloggers write something that sounds smart.  So if you’re an episodic blogger, a figure blogger, or a dannychoo groupie, consider doing something interesting with your blog and participate!
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colloquium: colloquia

why can’t we hark back to days of yore, when argot was evident and the hoi polloi were blithe?

col·lo·qui·um  n.

  1. An informal meeting for the exchange of views.
  2. An academic seminar on a broad field of study, usually led by a different lecturer at each meeting.

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A real man never gives up.

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No More Disclaimers!

Don't judge this anime by just one picture! This may look like a crappy anime for girly girls, but it's not! Don't be judging! Don't be hating! It gets better, I swear!

Just a fair word of warning: these are all my own opinions so if you disagree, good for you.

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chocolate syrupy waffles does their twenty-ninth podcast and calls me out so here I am

The CSW bloggers over at CSW were CSWing and podCSWting and some stuff blah blah and there was this line at the bottom:



Props to my homebro @Jesus159159159 for coming back on Twitter and giving me the heads up.  We ain’t gonna let NO ONE barge in and talk SHIT about us on OUR TURF.

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