K-ON! 10: Because an unsuccessful episode always deserves a second chance?

The next two episodes are "Another School Festival" and "Another Finals"

So in a nutshell, K-ON! episode 10 was 90% dried up copypasta, 5% fresh copypasta, and 5% new material.

90 % dried up copypasta

Because only the keenest of viewers could discern from the incredibly obscure hints KyoAni gave that Yui is lazy, Mugi is rich, etc., KyoAni decided that there is a pressing need to reiterate exactly what has been punched into our brains for the past nine episodes.  I, for one, was quite shocked to learn that Azusa wanted to practice instead of play around!  Why doesn’t somebody tell me this earlier?!

By golly, Yui is being lazy!?  What happened to all of that hardcore guitar practicing back in episode 2 or something?!  I had always thought that Yui was a dilligent, hard working girl!  Those scenes of Yui not doing anything over Winter Break seemed like a joke to me, because it was quite obvious that Yui would never slack off like that!

Because Azusa never knew that Ritsu and Yui wanted to shop for swimsuits instead of equipment.  Her senpais have always been dedicated to the band in her point of view, so this scene coming as a surprise to Azusa is no big surprise.

What’s really shocking is how Azusa responds.  She asks them to stop thinking about messing around!?  What the hell is this?  I could’ve sworn that Azusa was the playful loli type, seeing as how she yelled at the club for not practicing ate cake and did nothing else!

Of course Mugi isn’t rich!  With a summer home like the one Ritsu went to last year and with her father owning a chain music shops, Mugi should obviously not have a butler!  Who ever said that Mugi was rich?

Et cetera (this is here because I can’t continue on with this style, or else it’ll all sound the same, not because there’s too few examples of fail in this episode).

Also, the two scenes I would call “moldiest and stalest of the most nasty-smelling copypasta produced in this episode”:

These were almost exact replicas of two scenes from the first beach episode.
Oh, the humanity!

5% fresh copypasta

Now although there was much stale copypasta, there was also some fresh copypasta.  Although the overall themes of these scenes are obviously reused, they are brought up in a fresh, new way that almost masks the stinky smell of copypasta.

Mio running around was hilarious.  The barnacle scene felt impossibly forced (Azusa randomly saying barnacle trivia, and then Mio running away simply because of the word barnacle?), but the subsequent fetal-position-Mio was great.  It’s obviously an old, reused joke, but the execution was insane.  We did not get any barnacle ==> Mio instantly in fetal position in a corner.  No, we got an actual attempt at good humor – a well done twist on the recurring gag that seemed so stale only last episode.

This could be considered stale copypasta, but it got a laugh out of me.

Though the first training camp episode featured similar dialogue, this scene built off of the original scene and really emphasized the naive Mugi-as-rich-girl personality (well, at least more so than the phone call to Mugi earlier in the episode…).

5% new material

I was really surprised at this.  I expected a carbon copy of the first beach episode, down to the last barnacle.  Instead, I got an awesome episode filled to the brim with epic laughs and stuff.

For example, the dinner scene was really awesome:


an awesome episode

Well, it was worth a shot.

But really, there were some really good parts in this episode.

This scene is the best scene in K-ON! history, and an incredible reference (*parody?) in its own right. +1

Copypasta, better copypasta, and some good parts make up the pretty well done obligatory KyoAni beach episode.

Wait, what do you mean this was the second one?
Well, I guess there’s no excuse then.  This episode bored me.

21 Comments on “K-ON! 10: Because an unsuccessful episode always deserves a second chance?”

  1. npal says:

    LOL, I disagree, I found this episode really fun. After emo-Azunyan, I really needed an episode like this with all the stuff I liked in K-ON that got killed for the Azunyan-leave-club-or-not-boohoo drama. And I got some nice yuri footage, too 😛 But I suppose you don’t care about that 😛

    Still I prefer this ep over the previous one by far, so yay me 😛 I’ll not say it’s high art, but I got what I expected to get from K-ON this time, so that’s nice. K-ON’s not aiming to be a masterpiece. Now I have to make sure all the new KON-tards believe it, too… >_>

  2. IcyStorm says:

    This episode was awesome.

    You suck.

  3. simplybill says:

    Umm… 2 beach episodes is really really really a bad idea.

    @best scene. Is that Kanata? Ohh…

  4. Roy Mustang says:

    Wow, Mio is looking good this episode. They must have gotten the Kyou animation team back together to draw her thighs.

    Anyway, this episode was necessary to explore the strange new Mio/Azura dynamic. She’s younger, she’s cuter and she has smaller hands. What’s a Mio to do?

  5. jerseyse410 says:

    i loved it.

    /ignore post.

  6. glothelegend says:

    This episode was a complete repeat of the other, similar episode. Except Azusa was in it this time. They even re-did the whole “barnacle” stuff again.

    • Superchan says:

      agree even can i can think of something new things that Mio could be afraid of it.
      If Azusa was not brown i can only give 5/10 for this episode.

  7. […] there’s a new character in this show, but we don’t have to replay everything for her! Mikoto probably puts it better than I can, but either way, I still loved this episode. I guess I’m a […]

  8. Well, at least the copypasta doesn’t taste bad. They did add some fried chicken (hyuk-hyuk)… mmmm!

    btw, I suck at movie references *ba dum psh* what was that one during the Sawako scene?

  9. animekritik says:

    yup, k-on! is boring now. so boring it’s stopped being k-on! and more like k-on??

  10. Son Gohan says:

    The much praised Azumanga Daioh had 3 beach episodes, 3 sports festival episodes and 2 cultural festival episodes. So what?
    At least don’t blame KyoAni, blame Kakify. KyoAni is sticking to the manga material with just a few filler scenes.

  11. Not bob, not 15 says:

    Boring episode, Sawako-chan-sensei scene was lulz and Mugi begging her parents to hide the boats too, other than that, I SMELL DEJA VU NANO DESU

  12. fangzhao says:

    @people who thought this episode was good:
    no u. It wasn’t good, per se. I’d rate it at best a “decent,” if that. It was just a redo of the first beach episode to fit Azusa in.

    Also, I don’t read manga, so I assume it’s KyoAni’s fault. Ignorance is bliss! Or at least faggotry.

    @people who thought this episode sucked:
    I concur!

    Also @jesus159159159:
    I think it’s a reference to The Ring (or maybe the Japanese version that came four years before). I didn’t watch the entire movie, but I did watch the part that this alludes to: where a girl on TV climbs out of a well and moves sketchily towards the screen, and then comes out. If it’s not a reference to that, then you can blame my lack of a social life for making my movie-experiences so damn limited.

  13. […] jokes in K-ON are so stale that I’m forced to make up my own jokes to survive each […]

  14. MrTotanes says:

    YUI is win in this epi…

    Night scene with azu made me heartfelt with awesome.

  15. fangzhao says:

    @bob: The second one looks like Pantsu from Eden.

    @MrTotanes: This episode disappointed me. 🙁

  16. astrobunny says:

    Since when was this ep unsuccessful? Its like saying going to the pub and drinking is a big waste of time.

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