Hayate no Gotoku!! 02: Inconsistent much?

Fail here is a bit hidden.  The fail in this episode is like the chimpanzee in the closet.  It’s not as obvious as the elephant in the room, but it’s still there if you take the time to open the closet door.

First, I’ll start with the obvious fail: the art.

Katsura-sensei is supposed to be an alcoholic teacher who fails at life, not some weird loli-looking new character with the mole out of view (usually, it’s right on her forehead where it’s visible to all).

Her eyes have gotten enormous, and she’s sporting a half-Kanamouth…

A Kanamouth

Honestly, I like Shana and the like… but Katsuraloli = a major DO NOT WANT.

Nagi: Okay.  Standard HnG art (or at least HnG2 art).

Ayumu (Nishizawa): …pretty bad.  The mouth and the eyes are kind of off…  Still, it’s tolerable.

Maria: Oh God… WHY?!?


Next (YES, I’m not only complaining about the art this time!), we have Klaus.

I know he’s stupid, but he’s not this stupid.

It’s obvious who’s in charge here: Nagi.  Even though Klaus wants to get rid of Hayate, his not having thought about the possibility of being fired is quite a shock.  After the events of season one in which Klaus went into deep depression over his failure as a butler, you’d think he would’ve realized his place in the Sanzenin household: to iron newspapers a servant/butler of Nagi.

It’s quite absurd to say that Klaus, in his quest to rid the place of Hayate, never once thought about being fired.  He was almost fired last season, so he should’ve wisened (?) up!

Jumping out of character much?


And speaking of jumping out of character, we have Nagi.

“Nagi’s calling Hayate late at night?  What’s wrong with that?”

I thought Nagi was afraid of the dark?  How is it possible that Nagi is not in her bed (with Maria/others) cowering in fear?  Her phobia for darkness is extreme, and in season one, she got scared even when Maria closed the curtains to a room.

Don’t give me any of that “moonlight” crap, either!  The moon is bright, yes… but if Nagi was afraid of nighttime in season one, then she should be afraid to stand on the balcony at night in season two as well!  It’s all the same moon!


Finally, we have the most radical case of “jumping out of character”: Hayate.



Whenever a “I might get fired” situation pops up (or in this case, a “I’m fired” situation), Hayate goes into a sudden, comedic shocked/sad pose, like this:

So why, then, does Hayate skip this altogether and jump straight to “Klaus-san, let’s go find a new place to work together!”??

First of all, as mentioned above, he passes over the “Oh shit” stage.

Next, though the “Klaus doesn’t like me” idea not popping into Hayate’s mind can be excused (it’s happened quite a lot, so…), the fact that Hayate is so enthusiastic about working is just plain weird.

Season one showed a “strong master-butler bond that can never be broken” (something like that), and now we get “screw Nagi, I need to get a job ASAP to pay off my debt,” the kind of logic that Hayate started out with at the Sanzenin estate in season one.  There’s no hesitation on Hayate’s part, nothing to show that the “I’ll protect you” butler-master bond is there.  He ain’t dedicated to Nagi as a butler, but as a debtor – an idea that’s totally out of the character of “Hayate” that season one took 52 episodes to build up.

Finally, though, as I mentioned before, it’s okay that Hayate is ignorant of Klaus’s hatred of him, it’s not okay that he’s suggesting a duo with Klaus.  Since when did Hayate feel sympathy for the old broken-down butler?  Uh… never?  It has always been, “Hey Klaus, what the hell are you doing, sending a nursing robot after me?” and things like that.

tl;dr: Hayate ain’t Hayate in episode 2.


And a more optimistic evaluation…

Good humor, good scenes.  fin.


Hinagiku’s moving popping veins


And some epic scenes


4 Comments on “Hayate no Gotoku!! 02: Inconsistent much?”

  1. jerseyse410 says:

    First read over my episode 1 review of guin then read this.

    OK quoting you “Season one showed a “strong master-butler bond that can never be broken” (something like that), and now we get “screw Nagi, I need to get a job ASAP to pay off my debt,” the kind of logic that Hayate started out with at the Sanzenin estate in season one.”

    If they start to move away from the ending of hayate 1 where he pretty much tied himself even closer to nagi, i will be a sad but raging around the room knocking shit off the wall panda. That was the whole concept of the series, even though he doesnt love nagi the way she loves him, he would still do whatever it took to protect her…thats the way hayate should be.

    I havent seen this ep yet, will probably repost after eclipse hits but if it is as strong as you have portrayed it then they might need to re-evaluate this, especially him jumping out of character like that, and the dark thing idk, may just be a fluke or she grew out of it, yada yada, not too concerned in light of other more pressing issues presented earlier.

    • fangzhao says:

      It’s not that extreme – it’s just one scene, but it really stood out to me. It’s obviously just one really badly planned line in the script, so I don’t think it’s going to affect the overall plot at all.

  2. jerseyse410 says:

    omg i havent laughed like this since eden of the east 01 the other day. THIS RIGHT HERE is why i watch animes that have characters voiced by Rie Kugimiya…omg, this banter between nishizawa and nagi….

    Nishizawa: Well hayate-kun has really bad luck with women…If he goes on another trip alone he might get picked up by a strange woman. “Insert Imagination here”

    And for some odd reason its nagi in S and M cosplay with hayate.

    Nishizawa: Something like that could really happen!
    Nagi: No way, stupid hamster! What was with that illicit imagination?

    Insert random maria quote…

    Nagi: Hmph! Its all right. Hayate would never look at any other women besides me.

    HAHA, the angry face, the red face, the angry voice, the high pitch squeal, this is why i watch hayate…for hinagiku and nagi.

    • fangzhao says:

      Hahah, I’m glad to see you liked the episode!

      I really love Hayate no Gotoku‘s type of humor. Screw breaking the fourth wall – this breaks the tenth wall and has what I’d call epic scripts.

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