Anime Expo 2012

one month’s pay

I just now realized that my pictures are SUPER HIGH RESOLUTION and thus better and cooler than anything else other people would post.  And I realized long, long ago that a torrent of boring AX posts would come out in the days following the convention.  That’s why I tried liveblogging in 2009, not blogging in 2010, and I forgot what I did for last year.  But the point is: Everybody’s doing their “AX was so cool” gig and making the likes of Seinime and J159 all jealous.  So it’s not really hip.  I want to do something unique, something shocking, something totally extraordinary.

But whatever, here’s a regular post.

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Paper Flower

Makoto and Mikoto sure sound similar, huh?

I was wandering the filth-ridden halls of danbooru when I came across an artist called “nekopuchi.”  I’m not very knowledgeable about artists and stuff, so nekopuchi may be some big hotshot on Pixiv…

But damn, it’s so beautiful.

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Soul Searching

Allow me to rant a bit.

I’m at my quarter-life crisis.  I first heard the word mentioned while reading a review of Solanin.

A midlife crisis occurs when a person begins to judge how their life has gone, brought on by the realization that most of their life is over.  A quarter-life crisis, on the other hand, is the uncertainty caused by the transition to adulthood.

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Beyond God Tier

Published as part of a blog project I’m not participating in.  Honeymuffin.

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Remember, remember, the Nichijou of 2011

In two years, you’ll be scratching your head and saying, “what was this from, again?”

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