blogs of friends and people I’ve admired
flomu, mikotoism, and everything else [me]
Epic Win anime blog [0rion & others]
Mega Megane Moe [canon-chan, my senpai]
Paper Flower [mefloraine]
moe sucks [E Minor]
∑Xce7ion [7thwraith]
draggle’s blog [draggle]
Sea Slugs [Kabitzin & more]
Nandatte [Seinime]
Anime Viking [Marow]
The Cart Driver [Scamp]
maserbeam [maserbeam]
Desu ex Machina [kevo]
Shinde Iie [Inushinde]
ganbatte. [Seinime x2 wow]
O-New [Mushyrulez (& more)]
sufoki [Jesus159159159]
Rabbit Poets [RP]
Minimum Tempo [icystorm]
… and many more.
I am a Singapore blogger about Japanese Anime, Toys, Cosplay and Culture. I also write in Squidoo with a total of 129 Anime articles till date.
Here, I would like to request for a link exchange with you. I prefer a Banner exchange if that is possible with you.
~ Keeping the Anime culture alive…
Warmest regards
Max Wong
email :
i don’t even have a banner