Winter 2009/2010 First Impressions


  • Cobra (not watching)
  • Seikon no Qwaueseer (too hard to spell, too lazy to watch)
  • Katanagatari (not yet aired)
  • Other OVAs (not aware of their existence)

A few notes

Omamori Himari
What the hell happened here?  This episode was so terrible, I finished watching it just to see if it could get any more terrible.  And it did.  It’s as if they took all the shitty overdone stereotypes of anime, mashed it all up, and called it an episode.

Ladies vs. Butlers
I can’t watch a show where a character’s hair is so big.

Baka to Test to Shoujdewdwdwo[
Total dark horse for me.  I scoffed at positive reviews of the episode, and then I watched it and holy shit are you kidding me why is this so good i thought it was supposed to be some shitty ecchi show but holy shit holy shit holy shi

Hanamaru Kindergarten
tl;dr statutory rape is cool?

Why do people want to watch this show?  It is not funny at all.  There are no sexually attractive characters.  It’s the same as peoples’ obsession with panties.  Why do you always see otaku taking pictures of women’s underwear?  What’s the point of going home and masturbating to pictures that look like this:

Oh Jesus, that is some hot stuff.

And what’s up with shimapan?  Striped panties?  OH SHIT, THEY’RE STRIPED HURR HURRRRRR IM DUMAS AND STRIPESE IS BETTER!!!1







I am severely disappoint with people who are more obsessed with women’s undergarments more than the women who wear them.  Krauser was wrong.  Men need more than the lower half.

18 Comments on “Winter 2009/2010 First Impressions”

  1. … where’s Hidamari Sketch x ☆☆☆ :<

  2. Panther says:

    I lol’ed at chart. But how is this Ookami Kakushi even good?

    • fangzhao says:

      Thanks! I think a chart like this explains “first impressions” much more clearly than anything else.

      Ookami Kakushi has been receiving a LOT of flak. I really like how creepy it is – not outright scary, but more subtle. I loved the classmates’ over-enthusiasm.

      Could do with less moe, though. I’d like to see yandere.

  3. Razleplasm says:

    I’m only following Durarara this season, I might get into Sora no Woto if it turns out to be consistent.

    Durarara’s is doing well so far, and your posts are rising on the lol-o-meter.

    • fangzhao says:

      DRRR!! is a pretty good show, but I felt it was a little too close to Baccano. Sora no Woto episode two was as great as the first one (episodic post coming up, hopefully) – I recommend you watch it!

      Lol-o-meter… I guess, huh? Maybe I’ve finally found my own style of writing, my own groove.

      …or maybe I’m just in a trollish/lol-ish mood.

  4. chii says:

    that’s one hot pantsu picture you have there XD

    totally agree with the chu-bra rant

  5. Scamp says:

    Krauser was wrong? How dare you!

    Were you really that surprised at how bad omamori himari was? I had it penned down beside Chu-bra and mutant crossaint hair girl as the three craptitudes of the season.


    • fangzhao says:

      Omamori Himari’s great character designs threw me off! Just like with Baka to Test to shojudsdsoo -those looked horrible, but the show turned out great!

      It’s hard as hell to judge a show based on chartfag’s charts, so I just go with “looks good and/or from good company = good” and “everything else = bad.”

  6. mefloraine says:

    I’m surprised that there is so much good in this season in general. Which is great.
    Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu was a shock for me too, but it’ll probably end up being my favorite.

  7. Aldonaris says:

    I aggre with most of your chart, except for Ookami and Koizumi (I´ll reverse the position of those ones). Still the most surprising thing of all is to aggre on some level, as you suck. So does your blog, but you know it so there´s no problem.

  8. Canne says:

    Your chart is really cool but I got the feeling that those dots can change a lot after a while. First episodes can be deceptive, sometimes 🙂

  9. glothelegend says:

    that panty show does suck.

    And that sums up my first impressions for winter, as I have not seen anything else (but I will watch that Baka show)

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