Quick first impressions: Seitokai no Ichizon, Nyan Koi, Letter Bee, Book of Bantorra, and The Worst Anime of All Time

Seitokai no Ichizon

  1. I don’t care about what you say.
  2. This girl is cute.
  3. I like this girl.
  4. Holy shit, I think I’m watching this anime just because her moe beams have found their way into my heart.

This show ain’t no Lucky Star, but it sure was funny.  And the characters were cute.
You may call them “cliched” and “nothing new,” but screw you, K-ON! was a lot worse in all aspects.  By the way, the characters are cute.

I beg to differ.  He is a very refreshing piece of not-shit.  Male Lead (I already forgot his name – maybe because he’s not a girl and I’m jealous of him) is the stereotypical otaku man (albeit wearing cool pants), but hey, at least he was funny.

The only problem I have with the show (besides me not being in Male Lead’s shoes) is that the jokes tend to get really old really fast.  In the words of RP:

They’re going to run out of stuff to pick on by episode 4.

But then again, the reference density was only high at the beginning of the episode, and I’m sure jokes like “harem man” will eventually become less overused and evolve into running gags instead of the main focus (for example, the next episode’s on “Little Red,” so unless Male Lead decides to stick his fancy-pants ass into the episode, then I’m sure the humor won’t be repetitive).

Aim for the national average!

Nyan Koi

Now besides the fact that this anime has introduced me to the most disgusting (as in “UN-FUNNY and just plain creepy”) picture of a priest that can be imagined, it has also shown some of my favorite character designs/art that I’ve seen this year (but it’s got nothing on Greatest Anime of All Time).

What a BAMF.

This is the anime that I enjoy watching a lot, but can’t explain why.  Maybe it’s because the humor and the art style remind me of that godlike comedy Seto no Hanayome.  I like cats, by the way.

I have nothing more to say about this anime.  (that rhymes)

QQ more, you stupid shota

Letter Bee

Let me get this out there first: I hate this anime.  I think it’s totally worthless and unless a cute girl who doesn’t cry every ten seconds shows up next episode, I’m going to drop it.

Problems I have with this series:

  • The crying.  Make it stop!  MAKE IT STOPPP!!!
  • No cute girls.  This is like Seitokai no Ichizon without the funny and with a bunch of Male Leads where there should be short moe lolis.
  • CGaichuus.  For some strange reason, they look more like Bug-shaped tanks than actual living things.  Their shells aren’t like armor – they are armor!
  • Shota.  I hate shota.  It’s not that I would rather see little girls instead of little boys.  It’s that I’d rather not ever have to see little boys.  They are not attractive (especially when you’ve got the Ginko eye syndrome going on), and they whine and cry a lot (well, in this anime, in any case).
  • The seiyuu.  They’re wasting their talent here.


  • Battle scenes.  Man, those CGaichuu are pretty tough stuff, yo.  Wait, what do you mean it only took one shot to kill one?  I never remember th-  Oh, that must’ve been while I was asleep.

Screw this show.

Soulless human bombs called Meats? Hell yeah.

Book of Bantorra

Now this is the action show of the season.  Letter Bee is just some strange show about man-shota bonding time.

This show jumps straight into the action and gets you interested.  That’s a lot more than Kampfer can offer (what with that stupid part before the OP).

Book of Bantorra’s plot appeals to me.  Even though we get the tried (and true, honestly) theme of “what does it mean to be human?” Bantorra pulls it off.  Meats, that blue thing eating dinner on the ship, “Mock Men” and “True Men” … everything in this anime revolves around that one question.

The only thing in the anime that separates a Meat from a human is that stone tablet that forms when a human dies (and the fact that Meats are manufactured, but never mind that), yet why are the Meats so lifeless?  We are shown that they have no will to live, yet that they are sentient, thinking beings.

Besides the Meats and the idea of stone tablets forming, however, this is a pretty average show: you’ve got the super powers, the evil guys who seem to go down without a fight, etc.  But the Meats pull it together, and make it into a show that I love.

I'd rather not.

Miracle Train



I watched a minute and a half before I couldn’t take it anymore.  Was this was originally meant for entertainment or for torture…?

11 Comments on “Quick first impressions: Seitokai no Ichizon, Nyan Koi, Letter Bee, Book of Bantorra, and The Worst Anime of All Time”

  1. RP says:

    That little boy isn’t a shota. He’s a trap! (now that would be a twist)

  2. dokimasu says:

    Finally! Someone who actually likes Seitokai no Ichizon!!

  3. glothelegend says:

    I watched (skimmed through in less than 30 seconds) the first episode of Miracle Train, because I didn’t know what it was about.

    Is this serious? Is this show about a magical train where you can talk out your problems with a bunch of dudes? I might stop watching anime forever now. This is the stupidest thing that I have ever almost half watched, I’m actually mad.

  4. Seinime says:


  5. meeeh says:

    Actually, I would give Letter Bee a chance, the anime is promising to be honest, yeah there are a lot of drama scenes, but it will be good later (well IMO anyway, read the manga)

  6. phossil says:

    Miracle Train your worst anime of all time?
    I have seen everything now.. lol.

  7. DK Eternity says:

    I definitely agree with you on Miracle Train. That show made my eyes bleed.

  8. Chez says:

    I’m not really like Miracle Train…it focusing on female appeal rather than comedy…i would prefer Hetalia coz it’s more enjoyable than MT
    I don’t care about Seitokai….this show try to copy Lucky Star :X
    Nyan Koi…watch the 1st episode & i liked this show

  9. Nucleous says:

    I love Seitokai no Ichizon the moe is epic and making me happy each mintue I watch!

    Nyan Koi is another series I find interesting and loving it, the priest was disturbing but love the characters and the animation feels so rich and lively!

    The others not tried and I’m glad I did not seems more or less not interesting at all…

  10. Lero says:

    …. There is an awesome girl in the chapter 3 and is a main character.

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