Kampfer 01

I like this woman.  She’s cool.  She’s awesome.

But just about everything else related to this anime sucks.

For some strange reason, these don't look the same...

So we start in the middle of the action, woo hoo!  TOO BAD I STILL DON’T KNOW WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED BEFORE THE OP KICKED IN.

Starting with an action scene is fine, but when said action scene is never explained, you’ve got yourself a problem.  All I figured out was that Natsuru changed, got shot at, and jumped off a building before he realized he was a girl.  …which is pretty weird.  When did he change?  Was he walking outside and didn’t realize that he grew boobs all of a sudden?  How did he survive that fall?  Didn’t he ever question why Akane was after him (he later does, but why doesn’t he say something in the beginning)?

Nope, no stereotypes here.

It might have been funny the first time, or maybe even the second time, but when Akane misunderstands every single thing that Natsuru says, my instinct tells me to bash the computer screen with a club.

There’s a limit to how many times you can repeat one joke, and it’s pretty obvious that the guys who’re making Kampfer don’t get it.  Running gags aren’t running gags unless there’s an impact.  This is played over so many times that it’s more of an endless diarrhea gag than anything else: it comes out all at once, doesn’t stop, and smells worse than 99% of anything you can think of.

Like I didn’t see this coming.  A cast full of girls, and the only guy here can transform into a girl.  In other words, YURIYURIYURIYURIYURI.

In the words of Seinime, “Dismembered animal plushies moe?”

tl;dr Kampfer sucks.  But hey, I watched the entirety of K-ON!, so I might watch the next episode.

2 Comments on “Kampfer 01”

  1. phossil says:

    its barely the first ep. maybe it will get better.

  2. Seinime says:


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