Anime Expo Day Two

HO-LEE-SHIT.  I saw these two girls walking around on Thursday (or maybe it was this morning?), but they left before I got a chance to take a picture.  Then by some stroke of luck, I saw them right after being shut out of the Anime OP/ED Panel.  Very, very awesome.

Besides seeing lots of shitty and some insane cosplayers, I also managed to ditch CCY by not going to the Bandai panel.  I got up at 7, but the breakfast came at 8, the bus came at 8:50 or something, and there were a ton of news vans outside the Staples Center for Michael Jackson’s funeral (?).  In other words, anime bloggers suck because they expect other people to be at the panels they want to go to too damn early in the morning.  Of course, that includes me.

So instead of hanging out with awesome anibloggers, I went to the Photoshop 101 panel with my friends, which was totally useless because MS Paint > Photoshop in every situation imaginable.  Plus I’m too lazy to get PS.  So then we went to the Gundam 00 panel with the director and script writer of the series, Seiji Mizushima and Yosuke Kuroda.  I haven’t watched 00, and I don’t plan to, so this panel was also incredibly useless because I did not know what the hell everybody was talking about.

Though there was an epic cosplayer in the room:

And then they showed a preview of some weird Gurren Lagann-Fullmetal Alchemist-some other anime that I don’t know combo that spontaneously burst into some weird chibi shit.  I actually feel like I want to watch the show now, though.

lolcameraskilz  Note that there was a faggot in front of me who kept wanting to get the back of his head into my video.

So afterwards, we went and ate some stuff at Subway, and then went back to the Exhibit Hall for some epic amounts of shopping.  Until six, I browsed every inch of the exhibit hall.  Well, half of it.  I didn’t get to complete my entire journey because the exhibit hall closed on me again.  But before we got kicked out, I managed to…

  1. Find some of Okama’s artwork and mourn for the sold-out artbooks.  I did, however, buy a folder and mug with his art on it.  There was a pretty funny salesman there too. 😀
  2. Buy AnimeDiet’s fanzine.

Honestly, this thing isn’t worth six dollars.  But hey, neither is a Minoru Shiraishi keychain worth five dollars. 😐

By the way, this energy drink isn’t that good either.  But hey, it’s keeping me up right now to type this up.

So then I attempted to attend the Anime OP/ED panel, but apparently, a bunch of people who weren’t shut out yesterday by the evil exhibit hall and bought all they wanted to and thus had nothing else to buy today had already lined up and went in before 6 PM and kept us, the people who actually needed to buy the stuff that people didn’t buy out on day one, out.

But then I found the Eureka Seven girls again, and it was hawt.

Then came dinrar at Little Tokyo with lots of extra shopping beforehand at Anime Jungle.  Too bad Kinokuniya closed before I could check it out, though.

In the end, I managed to spend away a few hundred on thirteen volumes of manga, four shirts, one figure, and some other stuff.  I regret not being able to buy the Okama artbook, but I regret even more the LACK OF MIKOTO MERCHANDISE.  In the entire half-exhibit hall + artists’ alley that I wandered through, there was ONE piece of Mikoto merchandise: a shittily printed towel of Mikoto priced at $80.  When I went to Littel Tokyo and looked around for Mikoto figures (after failing in the exhibit hall, of course), I found a figure of Kuroko.  Who the hell wants a figure of KUROKO?  I mean, you probably don’t even know who I’m talking about.  Even I had to wiki “To Aru Majutsu no Index” to find out the name of this really unimportant character.  The whole exhibit hall should be filled with Mikoto stuff.

In other news, Crunchyroll’s booth was…

Crunchyroll guy: “Who’s awesome?”
Everybody in the audience who actually watches non-CR fansubs at home but who desperately want free t-shirts and posters: “CRUNCHYROLL!”

Yeah, that was fail.

So here’s some random pictures:

This guy was blocking an entire aisle in the exhibit hall, but t'was pretty cool.

My friend said that this was supposed to be from Xenosaga. What's Xenosaga, and wut???/

And finally, here are the fruits of my labor (extreme hi-def??!/):


After hearing that my purchase of AnimeDiet’s fanzine enters me into a drawing for some uber-hi-quality figures, I am now definitely going to go to the Indecent Otaku Comedy Hour.

Will be happy mugged and/or assaulted at aniblogger meetup tomorrow.  Also… 4 outside the main entrance… right?  I don’t have twitter, so I’m probably going to be waiting on a bunch of people who’ve already ditched me for pizza.

See you guys tomorrow, I guess. D:

15 Comments on “Anime Expo Day Two”

  1. Gene says:

    lol xenosaga…that is KOS-MOS

  2. simplybill says:

    I went to the Photoshop 101 panel with my friends, which was totally useless because MS Paint > Photoshop in every situation imaginable.

    NO. Photoshop is better. Photoshop brushes wins.

    In other news, Crunchyroll’s booth was…

    Crunchyroll guy: “Who’s awesome?”
    Everybody in the audience who actually watches non-CR fansubs at home but who desperately want free t-shirts and posters: “CRUNCHYROLL!”

    Yeah, that was fail.

    As expected.

    Should I say… FIRST POST! ?

  3. Ha, yeah, I was about to mention that Mikoto towel, but you did see it, so I guess that works. The other stuff that was relevant to my interests were expensive as hell though in that booth. Oh well.

    I was able to hit up the OP ED panel though. Should have a writeup shortly covering that.

  4. Rad says:

    Did you get to see the Morning Musume concert?

  5. Damn, you bought 11 volumes of Hayate?! I only have up to 8, cause I’m poor ;_;

    btw, how much did all those Hayate manga cost? I know when you’re at a con, you sort of get that impulse-buying-spirit, but Amazon has that “Buy 4, and the cheapest one is free” deal, so if you buy 11 manga of Hayate on Amazon, you would pay about $90 and to save more you could just get free shipping. If they were on sale at that con, I totally forshizzle-ly understand =3

    Hope your quest for Yotsuba ADV vol 2 was a success, and also continue your quest on those hawt-cosbabe pics! =3

  6. Seinime says:

    Screw physics. Would burn my notes but want it to a brilliant display of pyrotechnics.

    HOLY SHIT THE MERCHANDISE. Now that’s money I don’t mind binge spending.

    Damn, they had a Photoshop 101? Always wanted to learn it.

  7. omisyth says:

    Looooooooool trailer.

  8. 7 says:

    I saw the same blue Haruhi shirt at AnimeNEXT!

  9. fangzhao says:

    Either way, I have no idea what it is.

    Crunchyroll sure knows some great marketing skills.

    APPARENTLY, IcyStorm got some Mikoto merchandise from a hentat booth. Bah.

    Nope. I’m not really a fan of them, so there wasn’t really any reason for me to go. D:

    Actually, the manga cost 8 for $60, but there were places selling 4 manga for $20, and there will probably be even cheaper manga on the last day.

    Friends binge spending = my friends have to borrow the rest of my money off of me.

    My friends probably borrowed over $150 from me. 😐


    Find me a Mikoto figure!

    Haha, you got me! It’s a JList t-shirt – the same with the Nyoro~n shirt – so it’s probably shown at every other anicon!

  10. O_O but… I always thought they overpriced everything at cons! D:

  11. Seinime says:

    Damn, that sucks. BINGE BUY AND GET YOUR REVENGE!

  12. fangzhao says:

    Actually, that’s only figures. There’s no way people would buy manga at a con that they pay money to get into! D:

    Figures are another thing, since you don’t see figure shops everywhere.

    Then none of us will be eating meals!

  13. Taka says:

    Holy shit was that video actually serious.

    I thought it was a joke…now I’m not so sure.

  14. InTraining says:

    @ Jolt

    GROSSS, cola flavor? Shoulda got the blue flavor.. >_>

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