Top Five EDs of Spring 2009

A very powerful, moving, and IRRELEVANT AND USELESS picture.

In this runner-up list post to my top five OPs of Spring 2009 post, I will list out the awesome-est EDs this season.  Oh, and Basquash!‘s OP is still awesome.

Necessary info.: When I talk about “OP,” I’m talking about the actual opening, not just the song.  The same goes for “ED.”  I take the animation and the music into account when I judge this season’s EDs.

#5: “Don’t Say ‘Lazy'” (K-ON!)

HAH.  You’re probably thinking, “Jesus, this dude’s a retard.  If this song is #5 on the list, I don’t even want to know what kind of epic failure is at the top of this shitty list.”

Well, you’re probably right, but the visuals of this ED are horrible.  Probably one of the worst EDs in terms of animation I’ve ever seen.  Even Akikan!’s ED was better than this (in terms of animation).

The song is pretty good, though.  But the OP is light-years better.

Click here for video (unembedable)

#4: “Uso” (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood)

This ED is certainly incredible.  The song is almost in direct contrast to that of the OP: a more mellow song with much slower lyrics and longer notes, yet it’s as good as, if not much better than, the OP.  I have a penchant for incredibly catchy songs, and this strikes me as incredibly catchy.  I often find myself humming it at random times during the day, even though I’ve only watched the full ED once or twice (and I’ve never heard the full song).

The visuals are equally amazing.  What one could call childish is actually pretty unique.  Come to think of it, this season has seen several uniquely animated EDs: FMA:B, Eden of the East, HnG!!, Natsu no Arashi!, etc.  (Though Basquash and Shangri-La don’t really offer much in this aspect).

#3: “Tomare” (Haruhi 2009)

No matter what, I’m a Haruhiist.  And this probably proves it.

This ED is a total trainwreck compared to the insanity that was Hare Hare Yukai, but there is no denying the fact that HOLY SHIT HARUHI SEASON TWO EXISTS!!!1oneone111/

But really, this is a catchy song.  Very catchy.  I hate how the beginning sounds like the Genshiken OP (My Pace Daiou), though.

The animation, however seizure-inducing it may be, is better than that of most EDs.  I love how the walls/chalkboard/whatever with a SOS Dan member on it flash on the off-beats.  I also love how the thing starts with an enormous H.  I also love how there’s that sequence at the end where a bunch of pictures of the SOS Brigade doing random things flashes by really fast.

tl;dr HARUHI

#2: “futuristic imagination” (Eden of the East)

Undoubtedly the best ED animation I’ve ever seen.  Wtfstop-motion animation in an ED?  Awsum.  I really like the explosions where paper comes rushing out.

The song is pretty good, but I wouldn’t listen to it by itself.  The animation boosts up the song, not the other way around.  D:

Unfortunately, this is also unembedable. Picture = link.

#1: “Honjitsu, Mankai Watashi Iro!” (Hayate no Gotoku!!)

Was this really not blatantly obvious?  What else could beat the stop-motion epicness of Eden’s ED than the impossibly epic Hayate no Gotoku!! ED? There’s Hinagiku, who is undoubtably awesome, a catchy song, and an awesome animation.  What more could you want?

Though the visual aspect is limited in amount of animation, there’s no doubt in my mind that the animation is awesome and fitting for the song.  It’s like having a flipbook of Hinagiku’s tsundere moments.

Now if only To Aru Kagaku no Railgun would top this with a catchy song to a seizure-inducing series of biribiri pictures…

19 Comments on “Top Five EDs of Spring 2009”

  1. glothelegend says:

    I will say that my favorite ED is not on this list. It is the most beautiful and it is a great song. It is fun, and it is in Japanese. The animation in [my favorite ED of Spring] is solid. It is good and it is fun. I will not say my favorite ED because someday down the line I will have it in a post. The post that it will be in will be beautiful and it will be fun too. I did write this as poorly and as stupidly as I could, because sometimes, being normal is too boring. Consider this comment “creative writing”.

    That is all. This comment is over.

  2. jerseyse410 says:

    i like the basquash, k-on, and eden of the east ED’s i dont have 5, just 3

  3. simplybill says:

    I don’t care what people say… Hayate no Gotoku S2 ED is the best this season… Second would be the second ED of Sora Kake which was released this Spring.

    –Oh, you’re making me want to make something like this too.

  4. Well, I’d have to agree with most of these in that they’re all pretty damn good. Hayate2 has a lot of cuteness going for it and Eden’s animation works really well in conjunction with the music.

  5. RP says:

    Yes! Hina ED FTW! I was gonna blast ya if the Hina ED didn’t make your top 5, but instead I commend you on your impeccable taste. 😛

  6. Roy Mustang says:

    Hinagiku no Gotoku!!

    • Roy Mustang says:

      is much better than the first season. Why didn’t they animate the story instead of the random gag comedy? Watching the first season, I thought the source material was just about random stuff.

  7. What? Dont Say Lazy not in #1? Impressive.

  8. npal says:

    I agree on the Haruhi ED, but other than that, I don’t really care about the rest. My own favorite ED this season is Shangri-la’s ED.

  9. fangzhao says:


    Well, I didn’t watch half of the EDs this season (if I’m dropping a show, I probably won’t sit through to the very end!), so…


    Oh, that’s it?! Bah!


    Definitely. HnG needs more Hina.


    But of course. Though Don’t Say Lazy certainly is pretty lazy animation-wise…


    Great minds think alike.


    Eh, I thought S1 was better.
    Random comedy >>> actual plot!


    Don’t Say Lazy is way overhyped. Bunch of Engrish + bad animation + worse animation + lack of Azusa = mediocre ED!


    Oh, really? I thought that Shangri-La’s ED was pretty bad… :S

  10. arigatou says:

    Top memorable ending song this Spring 2009
    Honjitsu Mankai Watashi Iro (Hayate no Gotoku)
    Runner Up – Don’t Say Lazy (K-ON)
    Failed Expectations – Tomare (Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya S2)

    Top memorable opening this Spring 2009
    Again (Full Metal Alchemist:Brothers)
    Runner Up – Dragon Soul (Dragon Ball Kai)
    Failed Expectations – Shoujo S (Bleach)

  11. May says:

    Unfortunately, it is possible to embed from Dailymotion if my memory recalled

    • fangzhao says:

      Actually, I tried once, failed, and gave up.

      I’m not using any more time on this technical crap!

      • npal says:

        You know, statements like these make me believe you’re actually a girl :p You might want to get more into the technical crap or people will start saying you’re a trap :p

    • fangzhao says:

      Oh wow.

      Well… thanks, :p

      I don’t usually put up videos on my blog, so I didn’t really find it all that important that I investigate how to embed Dailymotion videos.

      @npal: no u.
      Kamina was manly beyond manliness, and all he knew about machines was that you had to combine them to power up!

  12. […] the Hayate no Gotoku ED – Honjitsu, Mankai Watashi iro! – on non-stop loop. Rated by Mikotoism as the top ED of Spring 2009, I can’t help but agree fully. If a song could personify Hina […]

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