Summer 2009 looks awesome

This is not a bltant ripoff of 7’s summer preview post style.  As you can see, pros are in red and cons are in green, whereas 7’s are the other way around.

Zan Sayonara, Zetsubou Sensei [+6]

  • SHAFT +1
  • Dark humor +1
  • Something I’ve been waiting on for a while +2
  • Best music ever +2

Anything with despair, suicide, and characters-that-all-look-the-same-but-actually-are-very-interesting and manages to be an awesome comedy is good in my book.  Zetsubou Sensei had two incredible seasons and a masterpiece of an OVA, and it certainly deserves this third season.  I’m just hoping that it doesn’t hit the sequel curse and fail miserably (though with an anime like this, I doubt it’ll pull a ZnT).

Umineko no Naku Koro ni [+4]

  • Descendant of Higurashi +3
  • Pictures of the VN make me want to puke -2
  • But then again, pictures of Higurashi’s VN made me want to puke +2
  • Loli +2
  • Witches instead of demons -1

This doesn’t sound as interesting as Higurashi did (more mystery than horror), and it will probably leave less of an impact now that Higurashi has exposed everybody to what an anime adaption of a Ryukishi07 VN can become (namely one of the best anime of all time), but Umineko should still be an intense, creepy anime in the likes of Higurashi.

Spice and Wolf II [+2.5]

  • First season looked like fail, but turned out epic +3
  • The OVA had shit for art -2
  • Horo is an awesome female lead +1
  • Merchants are cools +0.5

The first season was certainly entertaining, and it brought what seemed like the boringest of topics to life and epicness. Horo is among the strongest female leads in anime, and is flat-out awesome.

Bakemonogatari [+2]

  • Female lead looks cool +1
  • SHAFT +1
  • Vampire -2
  • Not vampire anymore +1
  • Interesting summary +1

To be honest, this interested me for two reasons: the art and SHAFT.  After reading the summary, it feels like this will end up having an actual plotline.  It could end up pretty nice to have such a change of pace after the SHAFT’s signature comedic randomness of Goku SZS, Maria+Holic, Natsu no Arashi, etc.

Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 [+1]

  • Nice title +1
  • BONES +1
  • Somewhat interesting premise +1
  • Exactly how far can a post-apocalyptic anime go without stuffing in either mystery or time jumps? -1
  • Did not catch my attention until people started raving about it -1

It seems like this thing is already overhyped. :/

I find the idea of staging an anime during a post-apocalyptic event to be total failure, unless the anime is going to stuff in mystery and/or sci-fi to find out the cause of the urfquake or it’s going to skip a few years to show the actual post-apocalyptic way of life.

On another note, the overused picture up there is an overstatement of this anime’s capabilities.  It’s a picture of the catastrophe, but the summary suggests that the anime will focus on the events after this earthquake.

Taishou Yakyuu Musume [+1]

  • That’s a title I’m bound to forget -0.5
  • J.C. Staff +1
  • Unique setting +1
  • No males – looks kind of like a fanservice deal -0.5

This obviously isn’t the average sports anime.  Set in an era where baseball is unknown, this anime will probably lean more towards slice-of-life and/or comedy rather than the traditional hardcore plotline of the sports genre.  You add to that the fact that this anime is focusing on females and not males, and you’ve got yourself one weird anime.  I just hope that J.C. Staff doesn’t go fanservice with this.

Aoi Hana [-1.5]

  • J.C. Staff +1
  • Unappealing art -0.5
  • Yuri +0
  • Jesus, that summary sounds boring -1

How ever much I may like J.C. Staff and the incredible work they have done with Hatsukoi Limited this season, I’m not a fan of shoujo-ai anime and this just sounds boring.


  • What a stupid title -1
  • Very, very interesting first half of summary +3
  • Very, very stupid second half of summary -3
  • Sounds like Strike Witches with guys -2

I was getting pumped after reading “…life itself to disappear,” and then I found the usual “HEY GUISE LETS GO SAEV DA URF” plot.  Great.  I just hope that sci-fi elements reign over what looks to be a kiddie mecha show.


Hetalia Axis Powers 2 [-7]

  • Hated season one -1
  • Fail -1
  • Shota -1
  • I did not laugh at any part of S1 -2
  • I hate this series with a passion -2

I hate this series.

Winter Sonata

  • Interesting premi-

Wait, you mean this isn’t airing this season either?  lulz

No, me.

Everything else fell under my radar.  CANAAN seems to be generating a lot of attention (much of it due to the fact that the VN it’s based on got a lot of praise), but I’m too lazy to type up another seven lines.

Hetalia sux

In conclusion, there looks to be some very interesting titles for the upcoming season.  Umineko, Zan SZS, and Spice anf Wolf II are titles that I and many others have been waiting on, and I am positive that none will disappoint.

Hetalia sux

By the way, the title is wrong.  This upcoming season is a lot worse than Winter and Spring.  I was looking forward to Akikan! in spring, and it turned out to be shit.  I was looking forward to Shangri-la and K-ON in spring, and they turned out… less than brilliant.  Therefore the number of anime titles that I’m looking forward to in any given season is directly proportional to the amount of failure in the season.

Hetalia sux

17 Comments on “Summer 2009 looks awesome”

  1. glothelegend says:

    Yea I pretty much have the same feelings about this season. Umineko because of Higurashi, and of course SZS, and Bakmonogatari as well due to Shaft/Akiyuki Shinbo. (Spice and Wolf season one just finished downloading, and I’m going to start that soon).

    I’ll pick something else if it’s getting good reviews, but other than those, there’s not much for me out there.

  2. npal says:

    The fact that I want to watch most of them is certainly not good. I have too much stuff already >_< Damn…

  3. ffviiknight says:

    Bakemonogatari, don’t forget the…
    +2 scissors falling from skirt

    Ditto on Umineko and SZS. Previews make me despair but at least Dogs: Bullets and Carnage is sprinkled throughout the season. There are a couple that could turn out good but we’ll have to wait and see…

  4. Westlo says:

    Higurashi is Street Fighter to Umineko’s Street Fighter 2….. and…

    # Witches instead of demons -1

    Does it get a +2 if it has both?

  5. PhoenixRider says:

    Sayonara zetsubou Sensei is something I’m definitely going to watch. But I have yet to finish Zoku SZS, soo I might wanna wrap that one up first.

    As for Tokyo magnitude 8.0, it’s the only thing other then SZS that’s appealing. The art and the plot is makes this extremely interesting. I can’t believe you put this one down to a +1.

    Anyways, to accommodate the new series I’m going to start watching, I hope a couple of last seasons anime ends soon. If not, I’m going to have to drop 07-ghost. Since it’s sooooo not interesting.

  6. 7 says:

    +100 to whoever mentions they can’t wait for f*cking Fall Season

  7. fangzhao says:


    Same here. If anything else gets a lot of hype, I’ll probably pick it up (or have to pick it up) for obligatory blogging purposes.


    Haha, that’s a good thing! I say you get rid of the borderline-bad anime right now, before the summer wave comes!


    What exactly is that supposed to mean, anyway? I read the summary, and scissor-skirt doesn’t seem to fit in anywhere!

    In other news, I have not heard of Dogs: Bullets and Carnage. I’ll check it out sometime.


    Oh, does it have both? Well, I guess that’s a +0 then. I don’t particularly like Witches that aren’t furrymechalolis.


    07-Ghost was something I dropped a while back. It was a shounen-ai anime that registered a negative number on the “action in a supposedly actiony anime” scale.

    And I gave Tokyo Magnitude a +1 because it certainly doesn’t sound interesting to me. What can be interesting about an anime that starts off with a disaster? Is it going to be about a family wandering around looking for a home or something? D:<


    I'll take you up on that – Shana III and Railgun are at the top of my "most wanted" list.. But that ain't to say that this season isn't awesome. Umineko, Zan SZS, and Spice and Wolf II are things that I've wanted to see for a pretty long time.

  8. simplybill says:

    Season with Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, or SHAFT, is awesome.

  9. ghostlightning says:

    summer needs giant robots

  10. fangzhao says:


    Definitely. Though Natsu no Arashi was kind of fail for me. Retro doesn’t go well with me anyway.


    Haha. Probably one of the best comments ever!

    But yeah, there really aren’t any mecha shows for summer, are there?

    • ghostlightning says:

      I have bawwwed and whined in my butthurt ways here [->]

      I needn’t pollute your comments sections with my mecha faggotry.

      No, there’s no evidence of robot anime for summer, though some shows may have some robots in them.

  11. Roy Mustang says:

    I really hate Shaft. They turned shows that had great premises like Maria Holic and Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei into random, disconjointed, nonsensical garbage.

    Death to Shaft animation!

  12. phossil says:

    I think producers airs more series than the ones I can currently watch.

    Im still watching Toradora, and downloading K-On..

  13. fangzhao says:

    @Roy: You did not just say that. RAEGGG

    @phossil: Haha, well you just gotta have less of a social life!

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