K-ON! 11: Wait, so Mio was just PMSing?

How could you NOT expect another one to come? This whole anime's a crisis.

  1. Pour 3 cups of failure anime to a bowl
  2. Add 1 cup of drama
  3. Mix well
  4. Sprinkle on some cliched theme
  5. ????
  6. Anything but profit

I can describe this episode in one word: failure.

You may talk crap about Kannagi‘s sudden drama at the end of the series… but hey, at least that had quite the buildup and quite the epic comedy in the first half of the series.  K-ON! tries to insert some kind of climax in the middle of nowhere in hopes that there will be a plotline at the end when there really was never any hope for one.  Plus it gives ten minutes to an attempt at a plot whereas Kannagi gave four (three?) episodes.  I could even feel the 4komaness of this episode.  Why the hell would you mash together a regular boring K-ON! episode (Yui buying the guitar) with a sudden dramatic episode?  It don’t make no sense whatsoever.

Why am I not surprised? Why am I not laughing?

I thought that was the “I’m a retard” look! Why am I not laughing?

And it becomes so very blatantly extremely damn obvious that the episode has combined two chapters of manga together!






I bet even this guy would be pissed at the sudden friendship theme here.

Okay, so if Ritsu was just sick, then what was up with Mio?

This episode sucked.  I really don’t want to blog any more about this episode.
The degree of suckage has passed my already lower-than-low expectations.

Usually, I’d bash an episode like this, but it’s too damn bad.  I didn’t laugh at all during this episode, and I didn’t feel the effects of the misplaced, weak drama.  Lucky Star‘s ending was a lot more dramatic than this crap.

Also, sorry for the Disappearance of Fangzhao for the past few days – I’ve been kind of busy.

19 Comments on “K-ON! 11: Wait, so Mio was just PMSing?”

  1. simplybill says:

    Sora Kake >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> K-ON!


    Anyway, this show is only 12. Why not blog the final episode even if it pains you (and me) so much?

    And your last message reminded me of my start of classes tomorrow. Damn college!

    • glothelegend says:

      Poop in the Toilet >>>> K-ON

      • Roy Mustang says:

        Yeah, Ristu got dumped on pretty badly this episode. She was portrayed as selfish and insecure while the other characters were shown in a much better light (Mio not abandoning her friend, Yui being really cute dressing up her guitar, etc).

        I never liked Ritsu because of her Mio abuse so I rather enjoyed this episode.

  2. Moonlily says:

    Look on the bright side. There’s only one episode left to go and we can hope that it’ll actually be decent. Not that this show has been decent at all, but one can hope (not!).

  3. Also, sorry for the Disappearance of Fangzhao for the past few days – I’ve been kind of busy.

    Actually, I’m surprised by how much you can blog in a week, so definitely no apologies needed =3. Oh, but you MUST apologize for this:

    I thought that was the “I’m a retard” look!

    OH NO YOU DIH-INT!! *cat fight* But yea, the whole “NO ONE CAN REPLACE FOREHEAD!!!” part was just ugh! Good thing I had my fix of Cheezits to calm me down during that part. Also, you can’t say that you wouldn’t want to take advantage of Ritzu when she was sick… ERRR I MEAN: Hope next episode is more fluffy =3 (it probably won’t D=)

  4. glothelegend says:

    I actually thought this episode was good (well, as good as any K-ON episode could be, which isn’t saying much). I’m not really a fan of K-ON, but at least this one didn’t have the same old bullshit as the other ones……well…..it did have the same old bullshit, but not as much….(to tell the truth, I watched this episode drunk, as I had just gotten back from the bar, maybe it just seemed good.)

  5. PhoenixRider says:

    Oh what a disappointment K-on has become.

    I think it should be put down. Quickly, someone get a shotgun.

  6. Roy Mustang says:

    Okay, so if Ritsu was just sick, then what was up with Mio?

    Ritsu’s freaking out over losing Mio wasn’t caused by her being sick. It was caused by her deep insecurities.

    Mio thinks Ritsu is annoying. She just got fed up with her teasing and incompetence (not turning in the authorization forms).

    Things like this just sometimes happen between friends.

    Yui’s guitar is smoking hot in a seifuku.

  7. jerseyse410 says:


  8. Snark says:

    Loved the Sora Kake reference XD

  9. […] of the source material which Gordonator confirms. I thought that part was rather non-4komaish but Mikotoism ‘could even feel the 4komaness of this episode.’ Actually there were substantial […]

  10. npal says:

    Well, I wouldn’t call it “failure” but, despite all the nice yuri, it wasn’t the normal K-ON ep. I said it before, emo K-ON is just not my thing and I believe K-ON should spare us the emoness. Oh, yuri is fine 😛

  11. Michael Flux says:

    Oh wow, hahaha, great 😀 #6 I definitely wasn’t expecting! +1 for you fine sir!

  12. sunshinesan says:

    Yeah, the sudden drama seemed out of place. Of course, there were worse episodes than this one. This is a mediocre anime, so I don’t expect that much from it in the first place.

    • npal says:

      I wouldn’t call it mediocre. It’s pretty good for what it does (or SHOULD be doing) which is a cute comedy/moe anime. I doubt there are many anime better than K-ON in its genre. If only the drama wasn’t there…

  13. fangzhao says:

    @simplybill, Moonlily
    Damn, I guess we’ll just have to suffer through one more episode…

    @Roy Mustang
    “never liked” + “Ritsu”

    Also: Mio’s PMSing, I tell ya’! That weak justification only makes this episode seem even more filled with cliched themes and stuffs.

    Oh God, please no more FUWA FUWA

    K-ON!? Good? Nice joke there!

    I’ll go call Dick ASAP.

    Definitely. I’d’ve preferred the usual K-ON! humor to this!

    Well, I try.

    emo and moe are spelled with the same letters.
    So is ome.

    @Michael Flux
    Why, thank you! I was hoping somebody’d get it!

    Well, I’d say it exceeded my lowest expectations.

    • npal says:

      “emo and moe are spelled with the same letters.”

      Yes, but look at the obvious differences 😛 K-ON couldn’t have made it clearer.

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