Kurokami 13: Redeemed?

Jumping on the KyoAni bandwagon, are we?

Kurokami has not been redeemed (I’ve been hearing many “awesomes” and “epics” to describe 13, but… no.  Just no.).  I originally had this series at a 2/10 on MAL, and now it’s at a 4.  That’s not that much better, but it’s a start.  There’s definitely some fail in this episode, but there is less than in previous episodes (12 was a total failure).  Still, the fail here’s as big as a mansion, and that’s nowhere near “redeemed” status.

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Shangri-La 02: Second-episode curse.

Yeah? Well, I think I'm gonna go!

Basically, “Screw it, let’s not bother going through a quality episode and stick it out until the third episode curse hits us.”
The fail in this episode = (-1) x (the win expected of this series beforehand).

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I endorse butt attacks.

Your loss.

I found this random torrent named “Butt Attack Punisher Girl Gautaman OVA” on TT the other day and, needless to say, I was interested.

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Haruhi-chan 15 – 18: This is real subbing

I'm gonna all you!

Well, I can’t say it’s good.  The failure here is tougher to swallow than swallowing a square foot of beef jerky whole.

Instead of looking at the episodes, I’m just going to make fun of the subtitles because that’s easier and I’m lazy.

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Epic Faces of Spring 2009

A few days back, I made this post about Ristorante Paradiso 01 – 02, claiming that Nicoletta made the best facial expression in anime.

Well, now I’m back to contest myself with a bunch of epic facial expressions from Spring 2009 anime (hover over them in case you forgot which character and which anime they’re from!).  And by epic, I mean both epic win and epic fail.

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