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Zac Efron probably ain’t in FMP

Source: ANN

Sengoku BASARA 02: Redefining GAR.

Screw gravity.

This is the most gar anime ever.

This post is a gallery of this episode’s manliest moments.  If you’re insecure about your manliness or have had your silver taken away, tread with caution.

Also, click on the pictures to see them in all their glory.

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Natsu no Arashi 02: Dropping a good anime?

But I didn't.

I just watched episode two of SHAFT’s new anime, and I’m dropping it.

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What I’m _______ (verb) for Spring ’09

Unrelated pic is not very related.

So I’m knee-deep in my first real season of aniblogging, and I’ve realized that I can’t watch so many anime in a single season.

Thus I must part ways with at least half of the ~25 anime that I watched the first episodes of.

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