Failmetal Alchefail 03: Failure is fail.
Posted: April 21, 2009 Filed under: Uncategorized 9 Comments »WHICH ARM IS THE METAL ONE?!?!
Unless I’m missing something here, Ed’s metal arm switches from right to left in the two screenshots above.
Or Ed’s head could be twisted backwards in the second shot. ( ^ 〜 ^ );
…yeah, that’s all I wanted to say.
K-ON! 03: A crappy Lucky Star remake
Posted: April 21, 2009 Filed under: Uncategorized 22 Comments »Damn it, I envy you!
Also, disclaimer of sorts: Hooray for semi-sensationalized post titles!
A Kanon ad on ANN
Posted: April 20, 2009 Filed under: Uncategorized 11 Comments »…was so stupid that I just have to post about it.
Higepiyo 03: Why I’m dropping this and why I’m so damn biased towards 5 minute shorts
Posted: April 20, 2009 Filed under: Uncategorized 6 Comments »
I sense a stereotypical episode!
Saki 02: Saki’s mother is a porn star
Posted: April 19, 2009 Filed under: Uncategorized 5 Comments »
Yes way!
Note that I am in no way better. In fact, I’m even more sick. It’s just that I’ve had half of this post typed up since who-knows-when, and the “draft” thing kept bothering me. Will reply to comments when I’m better (or not. I probably won’t – too lazy).
For your convenience, I’ve split this post up into two pages: one making fun of this episode of Saki (page 1), and one asplaining why Saki is as close to a parody as you’re going to get (page 2). [Protip: Honestly, there ain’t much difference between the two pages – I got sidetracked. Go figure.]