Forgettable Anime

Frankly, I don't.

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The Importance of Kyon

Kyon, Kyon, Kyon. He says that he wishes people would “stop calling him that,” but I doubt that many in the audience aren’t intrigued about Kyon’s actual name.

But why is his name never given? Why don’t we ever get to know the name of the person who speaks to us directly, the character who is so much more than simply a character, simply a narrator?

There is quite a valid reason for this, but I’ll get to that a bit later.

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The 2009 run of Haruhi Suzumiya

And thus begins a multi-post project.

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I choose… you!

Though I’ve said that I have never changed my girl of choice before Ritsu, I’ve often reached a point that I like to dub the “who the hell cares?” point, when, after many episodes of deliberation over who is my favorite character in a series, I finally realize that nobody, including myself, really cares.  (That, sentence, had, a, hell, of, a, lot, of, commas, . ,,)

This post is also known as “What turns me on”

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I guess I finally succumbed (“succame” sounds better here) to my inherent need to tell the world what I think about everything at every second and got a twitter account.

Somebody took fangzhao, so I went with “Mikotoism”

Thus my miniblog has died.  RIP semi-useless widget.


P.S.: The two keywords I had to type in were “the” and “bonar,” no joke.