Why have I written first impressions?
Posted: January 11, 2011 Filed under: Uncategorized 16 Comments »
This is how I feel about all of my posts. So basically if you say my posts are horrible, it doesn't matter because I already assume that they are. Sticks and stones can break my bones, and that would probably cause a great deal of pain so that saying is pretty stupid. I mean, what if somebody actually did break your bones?
A post by Sebz that I liked but couldn’t find anything to comment on prompted me to think about why I even care to blog. The basic idea of Sebz’s post (tl;dr) is: “I suck at blogging but I still love it,” and Sebz goes on to explain why. I can emphasize with Sebz, because I, too, suck at blogging. The only difference is that I’ve been sucking for more than two years whereas Sebz has only sucked for two months.
winter 2011 part 1
Posted: January 9, 2011 Filed under: Uncategorized 10 Comments »Yes, my face became that of a ten-year-old shrine maiden with a blank expression after watching these first episodes.
Posted: September 19, 2010 Filed under: Uncategorized 8 Comments »
You probably could’ve seen this coming from a mile or ten away, but here it is:
on animu club
Posted: September 12, 2010 Filed under: Uncategorized 2 Comments »It was better than I thought but also worse than I thought.
Especially when I kept hearing “fangzhao” behind me.
Maybe it was my imagination.