Kannagi 14 proves that Kannagi is the greatest anime in the history of greatness and anime

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How to anicon?

With AnimeExpo coming up in a month, I will now reveal to you that I am an anicon virgin.  Of course, that could be easily deduced, considering that on my About page, I clearly state that I got into anime last December.

Regardless, such is the case, and I’ve nothing to base my expectations of an anicon on (double repetition unintended, though funny if said out loud) except Lucky Star, Genshiken, and the random half-troll, half-real anicon posts of other anibloggers.

This post will be about what I believe will take place during an anicon (TROLLIN’).  Also, please tell me how to survive an entire anicon and if there will be hoards of Naruto-shirt-wearers so that I can easily fit in.

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Orange-haired girls are scary


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i fink dis banner is cool

Unless somebody is willing to make me a 770 x 200 (pixels) banner with Mikoto that is downright awesome, here is some eyecancer.

Also, new theme, yada yada.

Why do people even make “blog updates” posts?  It’s not like there’s anything to be explained (though in 7’s case, that’s not true).

Obligatory picture

Since I have nothing else to say, I’m going to go now.

Random thoughts on stuff

In the time that Twitter was down (or at least I couldn’t access it), I thought of this stuff that I now don’t really want to spam on Twitter.

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