Moetan 07

I lol’d.

Hatsukoi Limited 08: This is by far the best show this season

With Hatsukoi Limited? Hell yeah!

Before this episode, I had thought that the love polygon, which grew at the rate of approximately 3.1415… new sides per episode, was a hopeless jumble of who-knows-what.  Apparently, J.C. Staff knows what, and the daunting (love triangle)^5 is quickly and surely losing sides and angles.

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Four not necessarily horrible, but certainly useless and annoying characters


There are shitty characters like Suzaku, hated characters like Makoto, and then there’s those annoying, useless characters like these four.

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Two lines that I wish would stop appearing so much

Okay, so I’ve been watching a LOT of anime recently, and there’s two (technically five) general phrases that pop up in every anime in which characters…

  1. Eat food
  2. Live in a house with other people

If an anime fulfills these two conditions, then I swear that it will have these two/five phrases scatted throughout every single damn episode.  In this post, I will use K-ON! as a model for the overused phrases.

Note that this is not a post that points out “UGUU“s, “HAUU“s, and “NIPAA“s, though those certainly get annoying (with the exception of Uguu.  Yuuichi and Uguu girl go hand in hand for comedy’s sake).

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Shakugan no Shana III

…is coming out and I shat bricks.

Josh finally gets his Shakugan no Shana 3, damnit!

Source: ANN