Hatsukoi Limited 09: Epic. Need I say more? [Ironically, I do]

Yesterday, I said on Twitter that this is the best episode of the season, and now I’m here to prove it.

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Saki 10

Failsub category has been made.

Top Five EDs of Spring 2009

A very powerful, moving, and IRRELEVANT AND USELESS picture.

In this runner-up list post to my top five OPs of Spring 2009 post, I will list out the awesome-est EDs this season.  Oh, and Basquash!‘s OP is still awesome.

Necessary info.: When I talk about “OP,” I’m talking about the actual opening, not just the song.  The same goes for “ED.”  I take the animation and the music into account when I judge this season’s EDs.

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Summer 2009 looks awesome

This is not a bltant ripoff of 7’s summer preview post style.  As you can see, pros are in red and cons are in green, whereas 7’s are the other way around.

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K-ON! 10: Because an unsuccessful episode always deserves a second chance?

The next two episodes are "Another School Festival" and "Another Finals"

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