Once in a blue moon metablogging thoughts

Recently, I've been running out of random pictures to serve as post headers. I guess I'd better hop on over to some imageboards and scrounge up a few more.

Because I don’t often metablog, yet often have random metablogging thoughts floating around in my mind as I wander throughout the aniblogosphere, I’ve decided to collect up all of these broken threads and mash them together into one post.

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Shana got second AGAIN? GOD DAMN I- wait, what is this i don’t even

Holy son of a Goku

Haruhi (2009) 12: Um… wow. That wasn’t all that good.

Nice shirt.

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K-ON! 12: You mean there’s a thirteenth episode? (´Д`)

Heheh, nice joke!

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I contest this top ten waifu/husbando crap

This is an irrelevant picture.

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