Anime Expo Day One

So I bombed my Physics test in an hour or so, rushed out of the classroom, and went back home for a half-hour of packing.

Then I rushed straight to downtown L.A., got held up in massive amounts of traffic, got lost in the >9000 one-way roads around the Hilton and the LACC, and more epic failrue happened. Hell, it was so bad that I don’t even care fixing that typo.

So after getting dropped off two blocks away from the convention center (at SEVEN P.M., MIND YOU) due to a metro car breaking down on the street next to the building, I finaledly got to the site and after waiting a half-hour or so for my groupies to find me, went to get my badge.  Then, since the Exhibit Hall was closed, we went back to the hotel in a school bus, ate some pizza at a nearby place, and here I am now, typing up this shitty, half-assed post in a hotel room on a laptop with Vista and an internet connection that cost me ten dollars for 24 hours.

Today sucked.  I suck. Downtown L.A.’s maze of one-way streets sucks.

Conclusion: AX sucks.
There should be a three-day pass for idiots like me who decide to enroll in a class that has tests on thursdays.  Stupid AX and its money-making schemes.  Bah.

You wish all this was yours, huh?

Well, me too.  This is all the shit I should’ve bought, damn it!

Tomorrow better be better, or else I’ll be sad, and you’ll be reading an even shittier post.

Don’t visit Mikotoism until next week

I’m currently taking a summer class, and if I have any chance of not failing/asian failing it, then I’m going to have to work my ass off this week so I don’t leave anything for the weekend.  Obviously, I’m not going to do (or rather, be able to do*) anything unrelated to anime with my four-day ticket to AX, so I can’t just push my workload to Sunday like I usually do.

In other words, I’m on hiatus until next monday, when you’ll be hearing about my fun-filled adventures at Anime Expo.

In other news, my plans for my first anicon:

  • I’m arriving on Thursday at night, so I wasted some money buying a four-day ticket if you see a guy walking around in an awesome Naruto shirt on Thursday morning, that’s not me.
  • I currently have plans for only one event.
  • I currently have plans to buy three things: Anime Diet’s fanzine for the lulz, Yotsuba&! volume 2 if there even is one in the entire expo, and a non-shitty figure of Mikoto (non-existent).  Why is volume two so damn hard to find, and why is a non-shitty figure of Mikoto even more damn hard to find?
  • I will wear my Naruto shirt for at least one of the days.  Try and find me.
  • Uh… yeah.  That’s about it.  Obligatory anicon/loot post to come next week.

See you at AX.

My feelings for K-ON!

How I felt then.

How I feel now.

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K-ON! 13



Post with some effort put into it (aka final verdict on K-ON! with some actual thinking involved) to come tomorrow or the day after.

On how I rate anime

Obligatory random picture of Mikoto and/or imouto.

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