Anime on TwitterWall, the next big thing on Twitter

Click on this picture to go to the awesome website OMG!!

Like, oh my gosh.  This is like Twilight all like, over again, like.  KYAAA~~~!!1

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Filler post to show that I’m back from NYC

Since my camera decided to break down yesterday, here's my rendition of the dirt-cheap manga that I bought in Manhattan.

I bought six manga for $2.18.  I am awesome.

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CREDITS TO: (click and look at bottom left corner)

Two posts in a single day?  NO WAI!!

And both are metablogging posts? Wow, this has to be a dream! Or a nightmare…

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Why do we blog? Another metablogging post by yours truly.

To show how cool our anime wallpapers/practically-icon-less desktops are?

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Apparently, 50,000 hits is a watershed event for an anime blog, so here’s my semi-obligatory post

Do you care to acknowledge the mistakes of your choice of favorite female character yet??

hi im fangzhao adn im a new bloggre yoroshiku???

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