Trapeze 01

Things I understood about this episode: absolutely nothing.

Will I keep watching this show?  Yes.

Why?  I have no idea.

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Norio Wakamoto 2010

There’s a reason why this is the first picture to show up if you google “Norio Wakamoto.”  He’s just that good.

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The Greatest Anime of All Time 03

So when’s the last time you saw a slice-of-life show so good?

Oh, that’s right.  Never.

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Fall season: making the cut

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Quicker first impressions: Kobato., Sora no Otoshimono, The Sacred Blacksmith, Kimi ni Todoke, and Sasameki Koto

Apparently, my last post was too long.  And by too long, I mean “wow, this post took me like two hours to type up, and I was planning on taking twenty minutes.”

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