Sword Art Online Episode 8
Posted: August 26, 2012 Filed under: "Episodics", "Reviews", Shit 6 Comments »“This plate armor… it’s so soft…”
There comes a time in every blogger’s life when he/she comes across an episode beyond redemption. I have been able to sit through seven episodes of this kind without rageblogging, but now that episode 8 of SAO proved to fail miserably in every single frame, I have no choice but to kick and scream and break shit until episode 9 breaks my expectations of how low an anime can get.
How to Time Travel
Posted: August 13, 2012 Filed under: "Episodics", "Reviews", Science 9 Comments »Banana.
The latest episode (7) of Jinrui featured fairy banana-induced time travel with the goal of making cakes. This is certainly Jinrui-esque: a very complicated procedure to achieve an ironically trivial result, making it funny. But what I want to focus on is not why Jinrui is the best anime of 2012 (which it is), but why its take on time travel is IMPECCABLE!
Or close enough.
Sankarea: What a Shame
Posted: July 4, 2012 Filed under: "Reviews" Leave a comment »The phrase “hit or miss” is often used to describe shows which appeal only to a very specific group of viewers. In Sankarea’s case, a more appropriate term would be “hit and miss,” with just barely more hits than misses.