The best of anime: 2018
Posted: December 8, 2018 Filed under: Summary posts Leave a comment »Best anime of 2018
- [Winter 2017/18] A Place Further than the Universe
- [Fall 2018] Bunny Girl Senpai
Honorable mentions:
- [Winter 2017/18] Yuru Camp
- [Spring 2018] Hisone & Masotan
- [Spring 2018] Hinamatsuri
- [Fall 2018] Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 5 (still airing)
This list was incredibly easy to make. Throughout the year I tried to give everything a chance, ending up covering forty series, including all of the ones people seemed to like on reddit. In the end, this year had many good shows I could recommend, but only two stood out as truly great: A Place Further than the Universe and Bunny Girl Senpai.
Read the rest of this entry »Index III Episode 10
Posted: December 8, 2018 Filed under: "Episodics" 2 Comments »
Nothing about this episode makes any sense. This is total shit.
- Touma sees blood and gets pinned down by… a FLIGHT ATTENDANT?
- Then he gets shoved into the bloody, gory room??
- Captain says “I need to protect the passengers” and then goes back to doing not a goddamn thing while a terrorist is strangling a girl RIGHT NEXT TO WHERE HE STABBED A CREW MEMBER???
- Terrorist manages to get away and HIDE ON A FUCKING PLANE??? How the fuck do you hide on a plane?
- Terrorist threatens to kill EVERY PASSENGER, ONE BY ONE!!! And all he has is a bone knife?
- Normal high school student defeats terrorist with one punch…
I don’t usually get angry after watching anime, but this was atrocious. At least it wasn’t as bad as episode 6, though…
This series is sitting at 3/10 right now. I have to finish it, though, or I’ll be betraying Mikotoism forever.
Spirit of Wonder – Scientific Boys Club
Posted: December 5, 2018 Filed under: "Reviews", Science 1 Comment »
I got around to watching all the anime adaptations of Spirit of Wonder (by Kenji Tsuruta of Emanon fame) this week, and I have to say… MAL reviews and scores for these are really low. At first, I thought this was just a matter of taste. The stories can be super slow (think Aria), and it’s not really your typical sci-fi fare.
But after reading reviews for the Scientific Boys Club OVA, I think people are just missing the point. I wrote my own review about it (giving it an 8/10), but I want to write down a few more notes on it here.
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