Why do we blog? Another metablogging post by yours truly.
Posted: August 4, 2009 Filed under: Uncategorized 21 Comments »To show how cool our anime wallpapers/practically-icon-less desktops are?

By the way, this post will be filled with E7 pictures because I don't have pictures of bloggers/blogging.
Let me just get this out there: I blog for my readers, not for myself.
The whole point of blogging for me is to create posts that are enjoyable for both me and my audience. Sure, I might find things like Gintama episode 38 (which I watched yesterday, by the way) to be hilarious, but why share it via blogging if nobody else cares about it?
Recently, I’ve stumbled across a few “blogging for myself” vs. “blogging for the fanboys audience” posts on several blogs, and I’m amazed at how many people say that they blog for themselves above their readers. I get the logic behind it, but I… well, I don’t get the logic behind it, really.
What’s the point of posting episodics of old series when everybody has already forgotten? What’s the point of watching Bakemonogatari when it sucks? What’s the point of posting about Zan Sayonara, Zetsubou Sensei when all the ignorant fools of anime bloggers out there aren’t watching the series? What’s the point of making a visual novel when fangzhao isn’t in it? What’s the point of sharing your views when nobody cares? (Hmmn, I think a few other things might’ve gotten mixed in there.)
But really, I don’t see the point of sharing your views if nobody cares. I was naive once, too. I made lots of posts about Akikan that I’d really like to delete right now, except for the fact that it would mess up the post count I typed on the last post (but then again, having a higher comment:post ratio might make me look more popular…). Nobody cares about Akikan. I don’t even care about Akikan. Likewise, I don’t think anybody cares about a post that’s for the blogger instead of for the readers.
Take the previous four paragraphs for example. How much of that was dedicated to humor and inside jokes and how much of that was dedicated to actual content? “A crapload” and “what content?” are the correct answers.
Though on the other hand, there’s always the third option of blogging both for yourself and for the readers simultaneously. Of course, being the awesome blogger that I am, I almost always manage to accomplish this.
Since the first half of this post did not full answer the question in the post title, here’s more of me waxing philosophical on blogging.

Uh-oh, it looks like I'm running out of actual content. I guess I'll just make this post look longer with this picture.
The idea of “I blog to express my views” is essentially the foundation of blogging itself. Yet how many of us really blog just to express our views? I’m in aniblogging more for the aniblogger network than for simply expressing my views. I can’t imagine what anime blogging would be like if 1) there were no comments section or if 2) my blog were so repulsive that I would get no comments. The essence of anime blogging lies in the blogger’s ability to visit other blogs, see what other people feel about anime, and troll post on his or her own blog about the same subject so that people can relate and/or flame.
Okay, I can’t drag this post on any longer than this, even with more pictures. In order for my blog to look like it’s popular beyond belief, here’s a question to prompt lots of comments (hopefully): So why do you blog? Or don’t?
P.S.: I’ll be on vacation for a week starting tomorrow => NO BLOGGING FOR A WEEK CAUSE I DON’T LIKE TO DO WORK ON VACATION KK??/
God, this post was one big display of how lazy I can get.
Has your Mikotoism come back yet? Agreed, just like being a comedian and impressing the audience/readers in that case.
Blogging = e-Fapping.
Simple as that.
I really can’t argue with that.
Hmm, how about fluxism for your next obsession sir?
Oi oi, I may be gay for Kyon, but 3-D is a whole different matter, sir!
Why Kyon of all things? :/
I blog for myself, the readers, and the kittens, but now I don’t really blog that often anymore…
One of the main reasons I created Super Forshizzle Kitten was to improve my art skills. I’m actually quite the lazy artist, but by forcing myself to draw for each post, I finally got into the habit of drawing again. As I continued blogging, I realized a major downside:
I post episodicsI’m now too addicted to drawing… but that’s exactly what I wanted! Now that I’m drawing again, the main purpose for Super Forshizzle Kitten has exploded! Of course, I also blog to entertain others (with photoshops and stupid random Abe-kun drawings), but I need to figure out a way to balance anime watching, anime blogging, and of course, drawing. (especially when there’s other life-chores that must be done first D:)soooooooo yea-row
yea, you’re also a sell-out! =P
R.I.P. ‘Asian beaver’ blog.
Killed by fanatical blogger’s desire to draw more Abe Kittens.
May you always be remembered as an incredible blog.
Don’t worry, I’ll make my comeback just like I “back-cum”-ed on all those Jew-okay yea, I should stop now =(
I don’t blog because I don’t have anything nearly as funny, witty, or sarcastic to say as all of you who do. I’m with you on the aniblogger community though. Reading a select number if blogs (growing daily) and seeing topics crossover on them is always interesting to say the least.
Yeah, many bloggers don’t try as hard as I do to make lame jokes sound vaguely like humor. A lot of blogs I read run pretty well without all the pizazz that I try to stuff into every post. To each his/her own, I guess?
Aniblogosphere socializing, however, is the center of aniblogging. I can’t imagine what isolated blogging would be like… thank god for things like AnimeNano and enormous blogrolls that connect us!
Sometimes I feel compelled to write. It makes sense to make that writing public, because then people can tell me how to make it better, or praise me for it, or both. I think that’s the sense in which I’d say that ‘I blog for myself’, or, to use the Den Beste quote on my About page, that my blog is ‘a high-tech vanity press’.
haha, recently I made a post of who influenced me to blogging. 🙂
well, Why do I blog? I blog because of the worst reasons I think: because I like it and because I want to share with my readers my hobbies. I dont do it entirely just for me.
I wish I could answer this, but I don’t have a blog, I have an ISSS.
If I blogged, then I’d probably blog for myself (60%), and for others (40%), just because my blog would be mine.
I blog because I feel like it.
Having peopled read the blog is always good, but the lack of an audience didn’t stop me back in the dark ages (before I started my current blog).
“What’s the point of sharing your views when nobody cares?”
How true this is. Stroking e-penises is always good. Massive egos too. I have one. 😀
Why don’t anyone say ‘for world peace’?
@Jesus159159159: Wha-?
err… sorry… I sort of forgot that some bloggers were Jewish. I do apologize *bows*