Anime Expo Days 3 and 4
Posted: July 6, 2009 Filed under: Uncategorized 22 Comments »Day Three: Blogger meetup + being tired
Day Four: Eureka figure GET + being more tired
Now those ten words or so would have been the entire post had I typed this up last night. In fact, I went to bed around six hours early last night, at 9 PM. AX has probably been the most tiring workout I’ll get all summer. 😐
Table of Contents
- Day Three
- Day Four
- Pictures
- Loot
So on day three, we got up at 7 AM to go to the Indecent Otaku Comedy Hour, the only panel I actually looked forward to. There were quite a few technical difficulties, but the hosts were pretty awesome, so it didn’t really matter that much. Much lulz were had, and it definitely was the best panel I went to at AX. Of course, I only went to five or six panels.
The only things I got on camera were the Training with Raynako portion and the Going-to-Disneyland-and-asking-normal-people-about-anime video.
Here’s the official video of the latter part:
In conclusion, I think that this was a much better choice than waking up early on day two only to take an hour to eat breakfast, arriving at the convention center at 9:30, and hanging around until Photoshop 101 started. What a useless panel for me. Ugh.

Everybody left the meetup at random times, so here's the best picture of Icystorm that I have. At the time, I thought he was just some guy crazy enough to start waiting in line before even me to get a front seat.
So after that, I met a guy from the internets!!1, then went to the exhibit hall again, looking to cover the other half that I couldn’t get to on Friday. Needless to say, I accidentally turned a wrong corner and went straight down the center lane, stopping at random spots. In the end, I got a Yotsuba figure. The only piece of Yotsuba merchandise in the entire hall, mind you. In fact, there were signs saying “Don’t touch” (sth like that) with Yotsuba’s face on them all over the booths. There were probably two or three at every booth, and nobody sold any Yotsuba manga. Not even the Japanese manga. Jesus. The only Yotsuba manga in the entire place was in the manga cafe, but it was volume one.
And the rest of the day was spent in the Exhibit Hall, the aniblogger meetup, and in Little Tokyo, where Kinokuniya was already closed, and where I had hoped to find a To Aru Majutsu no Index artbook. July 4th.
Some notes on the meetup:
- CCY (from Mega Megane Moe!) and calaggie (from Nigorimasen! Blog) were holding up their hands in front of the entrance, and I thought that they were for some other meetup.
- It was twice as awkward as I thought it’d be. Internet + real life != instant goodness, I guess?
- We sat in a row, so I got to talk with five or so people instead of sixteen.
- I ate lunch fifteen minutes before the meetup, so I got a coke, which was not very appealing.
- I don’t usually read many of the blogs of the anibloggers who showed up (shitty wording, I know, but that’s the best way I could phrase it).
- Icystorm looks like a guy from my school, so I couldn’t stop staring at him. I think he thought that I was either weird or gay.
- My blog is noob in age. But my ideas are awesome. Desho?
- Like I said above, people left at different times, so I couldn’t get a group photo. I didn’t want a bunch of separate photos either. Though in retrospect, that might’ve been better.
- Everybody ignored CCY when he left.
- I didn’t see any of the bloggers anywhere else in the four days that I was there, except at the panel. I think they all tried to avoid me.
- I’m younger than almost all other bloggers. I should be fanboying over Naruto and playing with my Yu-Gi-Oh cards. But here I am, running a shitty blog. I must be a god.
I ate dinner at a place in Little Tokyo below a super popular ramen shop. We were the only customers there.
Day Four on page two.
Well, honestly, some people don’t want their actual faces shown online, so it was for the best. As for me, I don’t hide my identity, so whatever.
Well, I would’ve used my epic MS Paint editing skills that don’t need Photoshop 101 panels to successfully anonymousize everybody, icyStorm.
Instead of commenting again,
EDIT: Yeah, it felt kind of weird. Tekky99 tried to strike up conversation on my side of the gigantitable, but it didn’t really work that well. CCY seemed to be having a blast with people that he already knew (?).
And yeah, it was pretty awkward LOL
Hehehe, I too, find normalfags who know nothing about my hobbies and interests hilarious.
Was the blogger meetup that awkward or were there some genuinely awesome moments? If the former, it doesn’t seem like I missed out on too much then.
I doubt you missed out on much, besides seeing my beautiful face.
I think the main reason I thought it felt awkward was that I don’t read many of the bloggers’ blogs. I think it’d’ve been a bit easier had I known at least a bit of the peoples’ dispositions on anime beforehand. Though with IcyStorm, who invited everybody, saying it felt awkward… maybe it really was.
Holy shit nice. ROFL at the Game and Watch guy. How much was all the loot?
I swear I’d be invisible if I ever went to an anime con…I’m nearly unnoticed irl already
It was about ~$400, but I spent a shitload on food, hotel services ($20 for a bus pass, $15 for room service, and $30 on BAD INTERNET??/1), and other stuff.
Hey, I’m a pretty unsociable guy IRL, but I didn’t really feel that bad at AX. Maybe it’s the knowledge that everybody else there likes anime that helps.
glad you liked the panel, i’ll hopefully have the ani-walking segment up on youtube soon… there were some technical difficulties and we started letting people in later than anticipated, but for the first Indecent Otaku Comedy Hour (which might be changed to chow) i think it went well enough.
Yeah… by the time everybody had come into the room, a good fifteen or twenty minutes had already passed.
The technical difficulties weren’t all that much of a problem in the panel, unless you’re talking about time management… Two of my friends who went with me said that they found the “technical difficulties” enjoyable, for some reason. Maybe it’s because we saw your abilities to go impromptu? 😀
The prize giveaways didn’t fly our (as in the people who were sitting to the left of the stage) heads so well, though. Nobody from our side got a single thing! >:|
we noticed that, i heard some people that it was rigged, i just suck at pulling out raffle tickets 🙁 sorry about that, next time we’re gonna get a bowl or something to better mix them up! also the anime-walking segment is up on youtube in HD!
yeah, I must’ve tried like 6 times to make a conversation last longer then 10 minutes =/
oh well, ’twas fellow dwellers of the internet in real life (as awkward as it was)
Conclusion: Anime bloggers and real life don’t mix. Or at least, they don’t mix in large groups.
Come to think of it, I didn’t even know who would show up at the meetup, which is both a little weird and a little scary. I bet that only IcyStorm knew who was going to come. D:
why aren’t you showing my face alex/negi/fangzHOE D: my b-e-a-utiful face is being covered by an ugly photoshop edit. (so much for that 101 class). and you met other online people too? you cheated on me =( one day we must hang out, I PROMISE YOU!
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Holy crap, Cheese-kun! That CC looks pretty good too.
Wasn’t there a Lucky Star skit about how no one bought Kyon figures?
Man, I’m jealous over the loot. Particularly the Kannagi artbook and the Kallen poster.
Your loot is admirable but the things that really makes me envious are the Eureka figurine, Kannagi artwork, and Kallen poster. Makes me wonder what other E7 merchandise are available…
well u suk
Plus it’s Paint, not Photoshop. Paint > Photoshop
I’m not sure about the LS skit, but I sure do know that Koizumi can’t possibly be more popular than Kyon. D:<
The Kannagi artbook really isn't all that awesome, actually. It cost ~$35 and is filled with images that I already have on my computer (the power of the internet!).
Though the Kallen poster, of course, is a totally different matter.
Ah, the Eureka figure. Once I saw it, I knew I had to have it. It isn’t particularly made that well, and it certainly wasn’t worth the 5600 yen listed price (nor the $40 that I bought it for), but I am so happy right now that I bought it!
As for other E7 merchandise… I didn’t really see any. There was a Talho figure next to the Eureka figure (both for $75, $40 each), but who likes Talho anyway? :p
“…but who likes Talho anyway? :p”
Well, I wouldn’t mind if she was dressed up like the first half of the series. But more importantly, if there’s Eureka, there should be Anemone. I wouldn’t mind getting that pair to add to my infantile collection.
So the blogger meetup wasn’t Outrageous Fun? =( No BOOBIES flyin’ around?!?! No goin’ down on sum PEE PEES?!?! >=(
Impressive set of loot you got there, but $400?! That’s more than I make in 5 years! Though I’m glad you’ve got your own Yotsuba figure. I was planning to buy 3 more of those so I don’t have to change the heads all the time. I find that to be the biggest problem with revoltechs/figmas. You just want an army of them =3
And I noticed a majority (maybe less, but seems like quite a few) of the pics you’ve taken are that of Nintendo. Would you… by any chance play SSBB?!
Hmm, a Mikoto drawing ey? With or without panties? =3
She was dressed in that skimpy outfit. But I barely even noticed. The rays of awesome shining from the Eureka figure next to her were too glorious and bright for me to notice much more than the five letters “T,” “A,” “L,” “H,” and “O.”
Sadly, there were no Anemone figures. 🙁
Boobies flying around would certainly be awkward. Considering that I was talking with mostly males much older than me, it might even be considered a crime! >:|
This Yotsuba figure actually kind of… sucks… The only face that I can successfully put on is the original one. The other ones either 1) don’t get on the peg or 2) get the peg stuck to a degree that I need many pieces of equipment to get the peg out. It’s basically impossible to change the heads. ;_;
SSBB is overrated. …yes, I do play it occasionally, though. I don’t have the actual game, but I’ve played SSBM much more than I should’ve to know how to play SSBB.
Mikoto always wears shorts! D:<