Posted: May 17, 2009 Filed under: Uncategorized 9 Comments »I guess I finally succumbed (“succame” sounds better here) to my inherent need to tell the world what I think about everything at every second and got a twitter account.
Somebody took fangzhao, so I went with “Mikotoism”
Thus my miniblog has died. RIP semi-useless widget.
P.S.: The two keywords I had to type in were “the” and “bonar,” no joke.
you better not sacrifice this for twitter.
That is my automatic answer to anyone who just says “twitter”.
It seems that Twitter is getting more popular in the animeblogosphere because updates comes up instantly. I even have one for my anime blog and already have 6 followers.
Twitter certainly is getting big in the aniblog community.
It’s an incredible medium for spouting random comments that don’t necessarily deserve an entire post, though can’t replace regular blogging altogether.
@Phoenix: No you!
Twitter is just a cancer for us. Dont use it.
Follow me!!!!!!!!!!
Following you like a madman. 😛
Not like a boss?
@Kairu: Look at what it’s made 7 become!
In other news, not sure how to use Twitter ATM (as in, what to use it for).