
I guess I finally succumbed (“succame” sounds better here) to my inherent need to tell the world what I think about everything at every second and got a twitter account.

Somebody took fangzhao, so I went with “Mikotoism”

Thus my miniblog has died.  RIP semi-useless widget.


P.S.: The two keywords I had to type in were “the” and “bonar,” no joke.


9 Comments on “Twitter/mikotoism”

  1. jerseyse410 says:

    you better not sacrifice this for twitter.


  2. PhoenixRider says:

    That is my automatic answer to anyone who just says “twitter”.

  3. Chikorita157 says:

    It seems that Twitter is getting more popular in the animeblogosphere because updates comes up instantly. I even have one for my anime blog and already have 6 followers.

  4. fangzhao says:

    Twitter certainly is getting big in the aniblog community.
    It’s an incredible medium for spouting random comments that don’t necessarily deserve an entire post, though can’t replace regular blogging altogether.

    @Phoenix: No you!

  5. Twitter is just a cancer for us. Dont use it.

  6. 7 says:

    Follow me!!!!!!!!!!

  7. TheBigN says:

    Following you like a madman. 😛

  8. fangzhao says:

    @Kairu: Look at what it’s made 7 become!

    In other news, not sure how to use Twitter ATM (as in, what to use it for).

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