The 2009 run of Haruhi Suzumiya
Posted: May 18, 2009 Filed under: Uncategorized 6 Comments »And thus begins a multi-post project.
When I watched Haruhi for the first time, it was via a shitty obscure streaming website that only had nearly-youtube-quality embedded videos of Haruhi. I don’t even know if it was a fansite, or what.
=> rewatch, Q.E.D.
I knew that the anime was good. I didn’t know why. In retrospect, it could be seen as a simple slice-of-life comedy with some pretty good characters, but I know for a fact that it is so much more.
In the coming weeks, I’ll be churning out posts about the Haruhi 2009 run, trying to figure out what made this series so popular/good and, if applicable, trying to find the epic in any new episodes (8 might not be a myth!).
At the end of the 2009 run, I’ll collect all my posts up into one page and label it “Failure” “More than you ever really needed to know about Haruhi.”
In any case, stay tuned for boring posts, interesting posts, epic posts, and shitty-beyond-imagination posts about Haruhi.
P.S.: This was going to be a huge, 20 page block of text post about Haruhi, but once the announcement came out that new episodes might be coming out, I decided that it’d be a lot more reasonable to have this project be in separate posts. (Plus that way, I could comment on new episodes as they come out, if they ever do…)
It’s been awhile since the last anime came out. ^.^ Time to rewatch it again. 😀
you need to rewatch the 720p releases of haruhi that [Yuki] has been releasing, they are really good quality.
@Shinky: Yeah, I figured it’d be well worth rewatching (especially given the circumstances of my first run).
@jersey: I’m watching Yuki’s releases atm, since they’re [probably] the only ones doing the 2009 run as of now.
I would re-watch it, but I have a huge list to go through first.
I’m currently following Shangri-la, FMA Brotherhood (even though I’m reading the awesome manga), Hajime no Ippo, Sengoku Basara, K-on etc etc.
And I still have to catch up on Zoku Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, Lucky Star and Beck.
Haha, I’ve got twice as much on my plate! It’s just that Haruhi > many of the anime this season for me, and I need my fill of epic, so…
Fuck me, not a lie.