Posted: May 11, 2009 Filed under: Uncategorized 17 Comments »
I’m here to tell you the five best anime for the Spring 2009 season thus far.
Come on guys, let’s get serious here. Who doesn’t like seeing an effeminate male lead think constantly of his childhood “friend?”
It’s really touching how Mikage values his love for Teito over his love for his family, and even backs himself up by convincing himself that his family will support this decision. Plus Mikage’s a total hunk. What I wouldn’t give for a piece of him… Mmm mmm!
I really love how there’s nun and mermaid appeal in this shoujo anime. Just goes to show you that lesbians aren’t forgotten!
This anime has it all: great shounen-ai, great gay men, great homosexual male lead, great transsexual priests, etc.!
What I like most about this epic anime is how the story doesn’t move for four episodes! This is what all action anime need: a slow-paced plot and even slower-minded characters!
Oh, where do I start with this masterpiece…?
We can really sympathize with Keita and forgive him for what he does to Kuro because his mom died more than ten years ago! It’s okay if he pushes her around even though she saved his life. It’s even okay if he kills her, since his sadness for his mother’s death is wayy too much to bear, and he’s been feeling it for ten whole years!
And Kuro is SOOOO KAWAIII AND MOEEE AND CUUUTE AND AWESOMMEMEEE~~~~~~~~!!!1~!~11one But she’s so delicate! To see her actually winning against an enemy is simply insane! It’d be breaking all those chauvinistic thoughts that we men feel towards women like this fragile Kuro! Keita should be the one protecting Kuro, since he’s a man! And Kuro can’t be expected to win against somebody like her brother, Steiner, or any male opponent because she’s female!
And perhaps what I like most about this anime is the sheer amount of drama and romance in it! Keita x Akane, Keita x Kuro, Akane x Kuro, Steiner x loli, loli x Keita, Kuraki x loli, Keita x Steiner, Kuraki x Keita, Keita x Reishin, Keita x his teacher, Keita x the audience… the list goes on for miles! Hell, Keita’s almost as awesome as Makoto from School Days!
Tayutama -Kiss on My Deity-
This anime has upped even Strike Witches in the amount of yummy fanservice it gives! Furries, childhood friends, lolis, imoutos, and even Hinagiku-wannabes are all present in this truly extraordinary anime!
If you don’t like Mashiro, then you’ve got Ameri! If you don’t like Ameri, you’ve got Mifuyu! If you don’t like any of the girls, then you can be like me and go straight for Yuuri (but not yuri, ROFLMAOLOLZORS!!!1)!
I’ve found this anime to have incredible art. Thought Eve no Jikan had good art? Thought Haruhi had extraordinary animation? Well those two shitty anime are small fries compared to the artistic masterpiece that is Tayutama! From the eyes-covering-hair to the shrunken heads to the smooth, flawlessly animated clapping of Flawless’s students (ha ha, get it?)… everything is beautifully and perfectly done. I can’t think of any way that this anime can improve in the visuals department, and it’ll be really tough for other anime to compare (though Kyoto Animation is getting pretty damn close with K-ON!).
The only flaw with this anime is the inclusion of Norio Wakamoto in the cast. Really, I don’t think that the beautifully animated, flawlessly drawn, incredibly well-thought-out Tayutama needs this third-rate seiyuu to ruin it all!
Chrome Shelled Regios
Though it may not be as good as 07-Ghost in this, Regios certainly has an overdose of shounen-ai that just makes me want to SQUEAL!
I really hope that Fon-fon and Sharnid and all of the incredibly sexy, manhoge-possessing males in the series will walk the path of free love!
Fon-fon is really cute, and he’s really strong too! He kills filth monsters by the hundreds and doesn’t afraid of anything! Truly the gar-est gar gar of gar. Still, why is he so attached to that Felli character? She’s always going into *shudder* CHIBI-MODE and kicking him. It’s not like she’s cute or anything!
Fon-fon should just ditch Felli and go for Nina. Her arrogant attitude needs a dose of MALE DOMINANCE. You know what? I think Keita should be here to kick some 17th platoon captain butt as well.
But perhaps my favorite aspect about this series is the great retro, black-and-white-ish scenes. Now that’s where the real action shines through (no, seriously. Think for a moment about how much action occurs in the engrish parts and compare it to the action:boring shit ratio in the main story)!
Wait, scratch that. My favorite part is how Layfon is called Layfon, Layton, Fon-fon, former Heaven’s Blade Receiver, Master, Bitch, Bastard, Retard, Loser, main character who isn’t really that awesome, guy who keeps hogging screentime, and man with a huge ahoge. It just goes to show how many different sides of him there are, and how many we haven’t even seen yet… KYAAA~~!
Mecha Mote Iinchou
Damn it. I can’t even be sarcastic about this piece of shit. I’d rather watch all of Akikan! again than say anything good about this pile of failure.
Shitty animation, shitty art, shitty story (I watched one minute of episode one), shitty lighting, shitty characters, shitty shitty shitty shit shit.
I hate this anime.
Have some eye carrots (because carrots are the opposite of candy):
P.P.S.: If it’s not blatantly clear to you by now, I hate these shows. If you like any of these shows (and I’m sure that at least a few of the 2000+ seeders/3000+ leechers I always see on Ayako’s Regios releases will read this post), I’m not trying to offend you… but I really think that they suck. [lol late disclaimer]
This is probably the funniest post I’ve read anywhere in a long time. AWESOME.
One of my friends keeps telling me to get to episode 4 of 07 Ghost (he says the plot gets better), but It’s taken me since the first episode aired to watch episode 2, and I’m not sure if I can make it through episode 3 or not, so it remains to be seen whether or not I pick it up again. I can honestly say right now that I hate it.
please tell me you’re joking, yes? and it should be either cross game or slap up party in place of tayutama, i actually like that show alot. its like a more serious kanokon + saito VA.
So Hylarious and awesome article!!!
Somehow, i think ur joking. Then again, u don’t have Shangri-la on this list either, so u could b srs.
This is obviously a troll post where there worst 5 shows of the season were picked. RIGHT?
The late disclaimer is better because it’s more fun to fool everyone until the end. You got me once, but I have learned since then, and was able to tell right from the get go what the post was really about.
Oh come on, what’s wrong with 07-GHOST? Its no worse then the K-ON crap that everyone is obsessed with this season :p
At least Felli is awesome.
And troll post is win.
I’m surprised Saki and FMA:Brotherhood didn’t show up here. Do show your -love- for them
but, why Slap Up Party and Asura Cryin’ are not in this list ??
@all (in no particular order):
Yes, this was a epic troll post, and yes, I am complimenting myself in this sentence. *smug look*
Saki, FMA, Slap Up Party, and Shangri-La are actually not that bad. I may have said some not-so-good (aka “THIS THING SUCKS”) things about them in the past, but for the time being, they’re decent.
Because I didn’t want a huge post, I limited myself to only 5 anime. There certainly are other shitty anime airing right now (like HANASAKERU SEISHOUNEN, jesus christ…), but I could write the most about these five, so I excluded a lot of anime (Asura Cryin’, for example!).
07-Ghost is a shoujo action anime! Trying to please the girls with pretty boys and trying to please the guys with sometimes-action just ends up failing on both ends! But… true, K-ON! may be just as bad…
Tayutama is too much fanservice with a fanservice plot revolving around fanservicey fanservice that just fanservices its fanservice way to fanservice failure. But seriously, the anime sacrifices almost everything for fanservice. Where’s the awesome art and plot that Strike Witches had? >:(
Felli is awesome.
Also, butts.
Queen’s Blade has more fanservice than Tayutama, and I’ve never even seen Tayutama.
Sweet Jesus, don’t remind me!
I actually forgot about that thing until you mentioned it.
Your list is mostly full of fail.
Oh, that poor girl from Mecha Mote Iinchou – I hope Dick Cheney is not around
Unfortunately, your first picture is totally wrong, this is what really happened
@PhoenixRider: Indeed, it is!
@Kitsune: Haha, thanks! Lol, that’s exactly what I thought when I saw that picture too!
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