Saki 06: Not your average sports-ish anime

Picture pretty much unrelated.

…which isn’t to say that “unique = good,” because Saki clearly ain’t that good.

There were some pretty bad parts,

Why is the “all-girl” school so damn bad at mahjong?  It’s insane how bad they are!  Getting owned by the loli, the ahoge girl, and that unattractive one before the big guns even come out?  PITIFUL.

You should be ashamed, man-woman!

What really cracks me up, though, is how smug the transvestite above looks.  It’s like she didn’t watch her teammates fail hard to some pretty bad mahjong players.  It’s not like the president, Yuuki, or maid-girl were as covered by the media as Nodoka was!  If anything, Ugly here should be trembling in fear instead of looking so full of herself.

From previous episodes, I got the impression that the blonde girl who went first was the captain of the all-girls-and-one-man-woman school.  Why, then, does Tranny think that she can beat Nodoka, who is obviously much stronger than the previously-unknown Yuuki?


You sure did, only-actual-female-in-your-school girl!

kso why is this bad again?

Well, the point of it is obviously to show how awesome the mahjong club is.

Does this usually happen in this genre of anime?  I’m pretty sure it doesn’t.  The usual sports-ish anime deals with a person/people overcoming lots of seemingly impossible things to emerge out on top.  That plotline is used so often because it shows best how awesome a character/the characters become.

Definitely not a poker player.

When you’ve got green-head owning the opponents when you’ve never seen her display any bit of skill at mahjong before… not only is it a shocker, but it also defeats the purpose of the “opposite team sucks” plotline.

We’ve got a hopelessly obscure supporting character suddenly baring her fangs and beating the shit out of the ex-champs.  Okay…  We’ve seen Saki and Nodoka win over this character-whose-name-I-don’t-remember plenty of times, and we’ve been getting the impression that she sucks ass.  And she does.  So if she sucks this much, yet can beat the ex-champs, what does it say about the qualifiers tourney?

So instead of a victory-through-struggles plotline, we have a domination-through-natural-skill plotline that honestly seems pretty boring.  Now I’m not sure if this choice was supposed to parody the “first match puts you in your place” scene, but it doesn’t interest me that much.  I really don’t care how much Nodoka can own Tranny in the next episode.  It’s no competition, given that their team captain was defeated by a loli.

Wake me up when they face off with this ahoge-man + Teito Klein team.

In other news, FAT LASERS

8 Comments on “Saki 06: Not your average sports-ish anime”

  1. jerseyse410 says:

    yeah i just watched this anime episode and i have to say that this anime is definitely interesting. everything from taco loli to “look at my panties!” to the loli pouncing and stripping the big breasted chick to the ecchi fog. this anime is not what i expected and it has me going wtf mate? quiet often. its interesting, ill give it that and im still entranced enough to watch it. but what entrances me? the taco loli voiced by my favorite VA that reminds me of rizel or the big breasted yandere or the yuri girl that reminds me so much of miyafuji from strike witches, or is it the fact that I NEVER KNOW WHATS AROUND THE CORNER?

  2. jerseyse410 says:

    pantsu witches >>>> pantsu mahjong

  3. Snark says:

    Honestly, I still really like Saki despite its flaws.

    But that’s mainly because I like watching teenagers take mahjong far to seriously for it to be healthy.

  4. phossil says:

    “I didnt really think they’d be that big…”… Yeah, well, they kind of are… ^^

  5. fangzhao says:

    @jersey: tru.dat

    @snark: Yeah, it’s more the type of anime that simply asks its viewers to enjoy rather than think about.

    @phossil: They’re too big! D:

  6. Wave says:

    >>Why is the “all-girl” school so damn bad at mahjong?

    I assume you’re talking about Kazekoshi, with the blonde captain and the catgirl, the ex-champs…

    That’s not them. The people Saki’s team are playing now are just random people from some three schools that will likely never be heard about again. And having the lead characters demolish random throwaways at the beginning of the tournament is a staple of sport’s shows, including the random throwaways being stupidly and unreasonable confident.

    • fangzhao says:

      Oh damn, you’re right.
      But then, who’s the tranny school? They’re popping up way too much. >:(

      In any case… mea culpa to the max, and thanks for the heads-up!

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