Kurokami’s OP says it all
Posted: May 11, 2009 Filed under: Uncategorized 11 Comments »So if you’ve ever heard me talk about Kurokami, you probably know that I hate the show. Episode 16 was better than previous episodes, but my innate dislike for this show cannot be stopped with anything less than awesome (which I’m not expecting from this shitty show). And episode 16 was the first time I actually watched the second OP… and I instantly realized how fitting the lyrics are.
Lack of Logic
How can this first line be any more fitting? Why is Keita such a loser? Why is Kuraki trying to take over the world? Why does episode 16 suggest some shounen-ai thoughts in Kuraki’s mind as he says his unimportant speech?
“Die now, or die having your Tera sucked out.”
“You’ll be dying either way.”
LACK OF LOGICAL SCRIPT* is more like it
Overflow of Trick
I’m pretty sure “Trick” means “Failure” here.
Or maybe this is supposed to mean “Episode 1 tricked the audience into thinking Kurokami would turn out to be a good show”
Hey geniuses, you left caps lock on!
Go through what? This shitty show?
‘Cause I sure am in some sort of a coma trance after I watch this crap.
It certainly is “filth that [tries to shine] so beautifully.”
Suddenly, crappy action!
Leaves me forgetting to blink
You can’t blink when your eyes are closed.
The single moment that will never come again
I sure hope not!
Left me the feeling of an eternal death through tRANCE
I’m not sure what it feels like to have an eternal death through “tRANCE,” but it sure sounds better than trying to sit through another episode of Kurokami.
For some strange reason, it feels like I’ve heard this line somewhere before…
You know, there’s not much to say except that this exhibits some serious
Although reading a novel backwards may give you a certain sensation, reading random bits and pieces of five different books until you’ve finished them all just gives you a headache. Kurokami gives me a headache.
Oh, and Steiner had a major lolita complex going on.
Overflow of trick
They intertwine without being seen
So a lack of logic and an overflow of failure intertwine in the animation studio, and out comes Kurokami!
aka “Screw this OP, let’s just hurry up and go straight to the shitty, ‘tRANCE’-inducing episode!”
tl;dr: Kurokami sucks, and this post is a waste of my time and your time.
I like the new opening. And Kurokami is starting to get better…but then again it couldn’t get worse…or could it?
so glad i stopped watching this anime…..i was really looking forward to it too after the first few episodes and the awesome and beautiful ED…what a shame.
@Griff: Well, let’s hope not!
@jersey: You made a wise decision!
I stopped at episode 6… and have no plans to carry on. =
The promotional picture was deceiving. It was absolutely nothing like SnS.
Definitely. Kurokami is Shana without the win.
I agree the OP is a good indicator for the show: the OP went all over the place, and looks like that’s what’s happening to the plot. Still the newer episodes, no matter how ridiculous everything is, are still better than the older ones with the Keita angst
Yeah, those early episodes were really, really bad.
Though instead of Keita PMSing, now we’ve got him pulling Touma speeches all over the place. I’m not sure which is worse.
You know its actually supposed to be tRANCE….at least thats the title of the song :S
Lol, I know. :p
[…] I trolled a lot this month. […]
If you ask me, the manga is a lot lot better. They done Keita no justice in the damn anime. He’s supposed to be a games designer who absolutely despises Kuro – or at least to the point where he abuses her, punches her and doesn’t hesitate to knock her the fock out. They changed Keita into something he’s not and absolutely ruined his character.
Seriously, if you’re going to do an anime based off manga at least get it right damnit!