K-ON! 06: A few quick and random thoughts



Can you try not failing once in a while, Kyoto Animiation?

Oh come on, KyoAni!  AIC pulled it off a lot better with Asu no Yoichi!


If you’re going to get all stereotypical on us (like you always do), KyoAni, then you might as well make it good (or at least better than an anime that I ultimately gave a 6/10 to).

Nagisa’s death was an awesome-ly done “oh shit, an important characeter dies” scene.  Kyon liking ponytails was an incredible [twist on the] “confession” scene.  Mio’s terror at seeing Mugi’s eyebrows Mugi in costume is a… normal scene?  Damn it!

Rice is synonymous with Jesus Juice.

The egg on the right symbolizes fertility, the chopsticks and the lone chopstick holder are collectively a phallic symbol, and the fish in the background is another phallic symbol, “disappearing” behind the bowl of “rice” and thus, from this point of view, “entering” the bowl.  The bit of white stuff on the right of the fish is symbolic of the bit of “rice” that manages to fall out of the bowl.

In other news, the shading of the bowl is quite odd.
The shadow that the bowl casts upon the table is almost entirely circular (from an aerial view), suggesting that the light is directly above the bowl.  Yet the shadow on the bowl curves up at the ends, suggesting that the light that causes the shadow comes from the direction that we are looking in.  THIS SHOWS THAT I NEED A LIFE

Ritsu is not amused by this post.

Semi-unrelated tl;dr (one-sentence summary): KyoAni tries to please the fanboys, KyoAni gets away with a lot of shitty art and animation, Mio is actually the monster from Slap Up Party 05, and I’m going to sleep.

Freud would love that bowl shot.

10 Comments on “K-ON! 06: A few quick and random thoughts”

  1. simplybill says:

    But Ritsu is still awesome

  2. jerseyse410 says:

    …..you forgot the bowl are the same as mio’s panties……

  3. Taka says:

    Something that annoyed the crap out of me this episode was the cliche; “everyone laughs except 1 character who realizes something and starts laughing too”. I can’t stand those delayed laughter scenes that shit never happens.

    It’s almost as bad as the slow applause gimmick.

  4. glothelegend says:

    That rice bowl analysis was brilliant. Have I ever mentioned that I don’t like Mio? Because I don’t.

  5. AVEN says:

    I don’t like this anime, nothing new =(….

  6. fangzhao says:

    @simplybill: Indeed!

    @Taka: Definitely. This show is filled with cliches and reused ideas, despite its attempts to stray away from them. But hey, at least KyoAni pulled off the clapping animation well! I hate it when people “clap” like a symbol-crashing monkey!

    @glothelegend: And in no way is it related to Shin’s post on atalude! I saw that post right after I typed this thing up, and it looks like I’m a big fat plagiarizer.

    @AVEN: It’s definitely nothing new, but I can’t last a season without a decent slice-of-life/school life comedy (my favorite genre), so I’m sticking with K-ON!

  7. MrTotanes says:

    So… uhm… what’s next now? :[

  8. animekritik says:

    wow, that bowl thing is so friggin phallic. i’m so thick i didn’t get it the first time. btw RITSU is LOVELINESS incarnate.

  9. fangzhao says:

    @MrTotanes: Um. Rice.

    @animekritik: Just goes to show you that you’re sane and I’m not!
    Ritsu is more than that, yo!

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