K-ON! 05: The Stupid Appeal

And neither will acting stupid!

This is why I like Ritsu.  She tells the truth and doesn’t afraid of anything.

In other news, this has got to be my first intelligent episodic post.  This shows that I actually do, in fact, have a working brain at times!

While the girls are discussing Mugi's possibly lesbian nature, Mio makes a dive for Ritsu with her left hand!

This episode was very funny and incredibly bad.
It’s like watching a shitty version of Dokuro-chan.

Basically, this episode was trying to be a slapstick parody with extremely cheap and stupid humor that just doesn’t match the humor from the previous four episodes and other KyoAni works.


Instead of bringing up billions of examples from this episode to make my point, I’m going to center my argument (that this episode sucked) around only a few.

First up is Mio shuddering in the corner.
Ritsu speaks for the audience when she tells Mio to “Snap out of it already!”

The first time this happened way back in episode …two (?), I had a feeling that it was going to become a recurring joke.  But to emphasize it so strongly and to show it three times in a single episode is crossing the line between funny and trying too hard (aka downright retarded).

Now K-ON! ain’t a realistic show (though it could have been one), so it’s not beyond the scope of the show to have Mio in a fetus position for that long.  However, K-ON! is a comedy.  And a comedy focuses on funny things to make the audience laugh.  Does Mio in a fetus position make the viewer laugh, or does it make you feel as if there’s a bead of sweat running down your hair cheek just like Ritsu and Mugi?

This isn’t funny.  Timed right, recurring jokes can be funny.  Timed wrong and/or shoved into the anime at random times just for fans to swoon over a character, recurring jokes are a pain in the ass, the ears, and the sockets that your eyes moved out of.  I don’t really care if Ed is short anymore.  Likewise, I don’t really care if Mio is “cute” and is scared of things that the most stereotypical picture of a girl you can find in the most patriarchal society you can imagine is scared of.

EEK, BAD HUMOR! *faints*

Okay, so you’re probably either thinking “I agree” or “Why isn’t it funny to a faggot like you?  It’s funny to me and the other millions of K-ON! groupies.”

As mentioned above, it’s shoved into the anime solely for comedic effect.  That may be a good strategy to use when you’ve got a good joke, but when you’ve got something that pops up in every episode (RECURRING JOKE), not only is it out of place, but it’s also repulsive because it’s so god damn obvious that it’s forced comedy.  The girls start talking, and NON SEQUITUR TIME: “Where’s Mio?”  OH, SHE’S IN RECURRING JOKE MODE (again)

Here’s an analogy:

Nagisa: Tomoya… *kicks the bucket*
Tomoya: NAGISA!!!!!!!!



Next line: "She went into flashback mode!"

So what makes a parody?  There’s the archetype breaking, the stereotype breaking, and the fourth-wall-breaking.
So what makes a K-ON!?  Not that.

K-ON! =/= parody = Saki.

Sure, almost all comedies have some elements of parody in them, but rarely do we see a series that suddenly switches to full-blown parody for an entire episode, diverging from previous forms of comedy (including moe/dojikko appeal)!

A parody overemphasizes a certain element of a genre/theme, thereby drawing attention to and making fun of it.  With this in mind, we can define practically everything in this episode as parody.  From the overshaded/overlighted Ritsu-as-a-detective scene to the yandere-teacher-jumps-through-random-obstacles sequence to the sudden spotlight-flashback mode in the picture above, each and every scene is over-the-top in something(s).

Now parodies are funny.  But if you take a look back at episode 4’s barnacle humor and episode 3’s chord-hand humor, you’ll notice that the previous episodes were steeped in a different type of funny.  Episodes one to four didn’t need to dramatize everything to get a chuckle out of the audience.  They kept things nice, simple, and UN-PARODIED.  Because K-ON! started walking down the path that Lucky Star, Haruhi, etc. trod on, I was expecting something of a “finer” type of comedy, but I guess this episode proved me wrong.  Poo.

But perhaps the biggest thing I’m annoyed with is how the comedy is presented.

The comedy comes at you like a charging rhino.  It’s big, bulky, looks dumb, has a horn, and is usually followed by more rhinos.

When the scene above came along, I laughed.
I laughed… not for the reason they were aiming for.  I laughed because it was so stupid.  Having Mio, Yui, and Mugi suddenly appear is basically saying “LAUGH NOW” and/or “THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE FUNNY.”

A rhino looks dumb.  Seriously, look at one.
Likewise, this comedy felt dumb.  And it was.
Because the comedy was so obviously … well, comedy, it wasn’t hard for it to appear stupid.  Absurd situations with a bunch of nonsensical events going on is just asking (begging*) the audience to laugh.  There’s no rhyme or reason to this kind of comedy: it’s like Bo-bobo or Butt Attack Girl: nothing makes sense, and you’re laughing because it’s stupid and would never really happen in real life.

A rhino has a horn.  Yeah.

A rhino is followed by more rhinos.
The jokes came fast in this episode.  Very fast.  However, unlike Lucky Star or Zetsubou Sensei, K-ON! 05 opted only for quantity.

A rhino is big and bulky.
Likewise, the comedy here was big and bulky.  As mentioned above, the humor is stupid.  This makes it stand out in what is otherwise the pretty not-stupid show that K-ON! is.  Here’s a visual:

Yes, my horrible sense of humor knows no bounds.
And neither does K-ON!‘s!

Point A refers to the time when Miss Yandere shows her mug.

It’s pretty hard not to notice the elephant in the room rhino(s) on the screen when you’re watching this episode.  The comedy is stupid, comes fast, and travels in massive herds.

A pack of cheap, stupid humor goes in, and an easily-forgotten episode (possibly series) comes out!

13 Comments on “K-ON! 05: The Stupid Appeal”

  1. kadian1364 says:

    I get the gist of what you’re saying (until I got to the point of “Oh cool! Rhinos and line graphs!”) but I’d rather K-ON try hard to be funny rather than not try at all, which I felt was the case in eps 1-4. KyoAni relied solely on inundating its viewers with moes of every kind. Even if it failed often, I found more genuine laughs in episode 5 than the entirety of the previous episodes.

  2. jerseyse410 says:

    ok so i find myself laughing my ass off most of the episode. i dont get the rhino simile either. though i have to ask…

    do you enjoy anime? like do you ever laugh?

  3. Roy Mustang says:

    You must have a finer palate for comedy than I do. I found the episode quite funny.

    Absurd situations with a bunch of nonsensical events going on is just asking (begging*) the audience to laugh. There’s no rhyme or reason to this kind of comedy:

    As opposed to knights who blurt out nonsensical words or killer bunny rabbits killed by holy hand grenades? I love the nonsensical type of comedy.

  4. glothelegend says:

    Mio = Needs to calm down with that stupid joke. That’s actually one of the reasons I never liked her much. She’s a forced character, and has no real personality.

    That being said, I thought that this was the best episode of the season. I loved the comedy and felt that the intorduction of Sawako Sensei gave this series a huge boost.

    Dokuro-chan = Funniest show ever made.

  5. fangzhao says:

    Oi oi, just because I never really said that the main reason I dislike this episode is because the way the comedy is presented differs from previous episodes in the post doesn’t mean you guys have to go all ballistic on me! (being sarcastic here – definitely mea culpa).

    So yeah. I actually thought this episode funny… but it’s like laughing at Bo-bobo: you realize it’s stupid, and unless it levels up to Butt Attack Girl’s level of stupidity, it’s not really all that worthwhile. I was laughing a lot in this episode, but I was laughing while knowing full well how stupid the content was.

    That said, there were some awesome moments in this episode…
    A few examples:
    [1] This is the kind of humor that pushes my buttons.
    [2] This is the beyond-stupid content that’s worthwhile.
    [3] This is what I’ve felt from previous episodes: nicely timed jokes (aka 4koma punchlines, I guess).

    P.S.: I have no idea what you’re referring to, Roy. I need to get in more. ;-;

    P.P.S.: jersey: Yes, I DO laugh! Hatsukoi Limited is insanely funny!

  6. Minnie says:

    Someone… agreed… with me. Gasp. I know I’m in the minority but I really don’t like most of K-ON’s comedy. It might not be my type of humor but I can tell when humor is forced and this episode is very much so.

    I guess I’m lame and prefer SZS’s humor to anything else. At least there, I can find myself laughing for almost the entirety of the episode.. if not all…

  7. 7 says:

    True that K-ON’s multiple usage of a variety of comedy makes it look like it’s trying too hard, but I really don’t mind that much, especially since I watch K-ON to get a laugh no matter the method. Laughter as a medicine is a medicine after all..it can taste sweet or it can taste bitter…whatever it tastes like, it’s good for you. >.<

  8. Son Gohan says:

    Could you please give me an example of NON forced humour?
    I dare say that all the humour in a tv show is forced since the purpose of comedy is to make people laugh.
    The only non forced humour is unintentional humour, such as when a friend of yours in real life slips on a banana peel and falls on his butt.

  9. Karry says:

    God, not another fanboy of that shitty Dokuro-chan, dumbest show ever made.

  10. fangzhao says:

    @Son Gohan: Well, non-forced humor is humor that doesn’t stand out or feel like it’s just there for comedy’s sake.
    Here’s two examples: [1] [2]

    #1 is from this episode, and it’s really exaggerated. There’s no point to the facial expression other than to get the audience to laugh, and it doesn’t match what happens before or after it. There are other facial expressions that are funny but not exaggerated (Yui still smiling as Mugi points out that the club is not official yet), and there are some facial expressions based solely on humor that fit into the story (anything from Kannagi, really).

    #2 is from episode 2, and I’d consider this a non-forced form of comedy. It’s hilarious, and it doesn’t require randomly appearing girls, hoops, or costumes to pull off the funniness.

    Although all comedy in an anime is technically designed to make people laugh, it’s not that all comedy is geared towards making people laugh in the same way. Forced comedy comes across as stupid or random while non-forced comedy comes across as just funny. I’m not saying that forced comedy is bad – it’s just that you can’t really insert an episode of forced comedy into what is essentially a show based on non-forced comedy and expect it to be consistent!

    @Karry: I gave Dokuro-chan a 6/10. Maybe you’re talking to glo?

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