I must be gay.

I just watched episode one.  Damn it.

18 Comments on “I must be gay.”

  1. I knew what was coming all the way from Nano, lol.

  2. kevinlmw says:

    Maria is worth to be gay for, so no worry.
    I was waiting for session 2 lol

  3. schneider says:

    We’d all hit it.

  4. jerseyse410 says:

    to be honest, it too me a few episodes to get into this, i dropped it a few times when it was airing but after they introuduce some new characters you’ll start to like it. and believe it or not my favorite character is the neko-god and her dog yonakuni-san. i love it!

  5. Roy Mustag says:

    Be sure to watch the part after the ED. It was one of the highlights of Ep1 for me.

  6. Michael Flux says:

    Wait, are you telling me thats a he? Oh sh—– :'(

  7. Taka says:

    You really should read Shin (atalude.com) or Jason Miao’s (blogsuki.com) blogs.

    Trap City

  8. Shin says:


  9. TheBigN says:

    There’s nothing wrong with this. 😛

  10. Smithy says:

    “Maria Holic” is a great series, you’ll enjoy it. ^^

    It’s full of laughs and fun ecchiness, Kanako and Mariya are great as main lead characters. ^^

    And about mariya being a trap, I have the best remedy against that. Denial! Always works. ^^

    • Roy Mustag says:

      Happy because the big spoiler for Toaru Kagaku no Railgun is that Mikoto’s XX chromosomes weren’t cloned. It was her XYs.

      PS: To Aru Majutsu no Index: 100% girl. Accept no substitutes (or crappy non-Index spinoffs).

  11. ffviiknight says:

    Well, there’s always Shizu… Double the fun!

  12. phossil says:

    So much fun in this ep. lol ^^

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