P.S.: Must’ve been some clean cut there, to have the head so close to the body.

15 Comments on “HiguRei 03: BEHEADED RIGHT UNDER THE TIRE”

  1. bob not 51 says:

    well shit.

  2. jerseyse410 says:

    blood went the wrong direction. following the bank and tire groves of the pavement the blood should have gone in a north easterly direction, not the pool that it is now. fail.

    also who died?

  3. bob not 51 says:

    >>also who died?


  4. jerseyse410 says:

    i dont watch higurashi no fail.

    im waiting for umineko.

  5. fangzhao says:

    Rika died. Higurashi is awesome. :<

  6. Michael Flux says:

    Hmm, how messy… and yes, as Jerseyse410 said, the splatter is wrong. Not even the direction of it, but there would be an evenly spread amount of blood more or less.. as opposed to there just being a few random spots on the road. Plus those tires look awfully clean…

  7. fangzhao says:

    Things wrong with the picture:
    Rika was on a bike and crashed into the truck head-on. From the dialogue, we can assume that the truck ran over her neck, beheading her under the tire. If that’s the case, then the first blood splotch is in the right place (the left tire).

    But somehow, Rika managed to get hit to the side of the place of impact (which is obviously impossible – she should be at the place where she was beheaded, or possibly a little further down, considering the tire could have rolled the body). If she had been beheaded under the tire, then the head would have went to the other side of the tire (the left), but both the head and the body went to the same place.

    Assuming that Rika did, in fact, somehow manage to land in such a location with her head/body in anatomically correct locations, then the blood splatter near her head could be explained by her having landed, and the blood splattered from her head.

    However, this does not explain the enormous amount of blood away from the point of impact. There’s more blood in random places after the impact than at the place of impact.

    Plus the bike is unharmed, to the right.


    Another explanation would be that the truck stopped very, very shortly after hitting Rika, and that the impact was at the top of the screen, with the tire having rolled Rika down to the bottom. This still does not explain the bike, but it does solve the mystery of more blood at the top than at the bottom.

    However, this solution makes the blood splotch at the very left a mystery. Rika did not roll over there, so she couldn’t possibly have made that blood patch.



  8. bob not 51 says:

    jersey be trollin’



    Yeah in reality I raged deep down inside ;_;

  9. jerseyse410 says:

    im sorry, i could not get into the show. i tried, more than a few times, and never got anymore than a few episodes in. ive read through the story and ive read the episode recaps on wiki’s but it just does not appeal to me. im not a big pointless murder fan.

    now that being said, i am looking forward to umineko no naku koro ni and i will give props to the Op’s and Ed’s of this series, they are all really nice. not trolling just i cant say anything decent about a show ive dropped multiple times.

  10. jason says:

    I can obviously overlook this as it doesn’t hinder the story unless your ADD and looking endlessly for something wrong with the episode. I’m actually glad the ova series is picking up after the 1st episode of surprising filler proportion.

  11. bob not 51 says:

    Rei is a filler.

    @jersey; Umineko will probably have lots of loli murder too 😉

  12. jerseyse410 says:

    well umineko is supposed to be kind of like harpers island but with a land deed being handed out instead of a wedding so im interested

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