2009 Haruhi Episode 8 to be a new episode
Posted: May 17, 2009 Filed under: Uncategorized 10 Comments »Source: ANN
I was typing a large “Rewatch of Haruhi Suzumiya” post, but I guess I’ll have to revise that to “Haruhi Suzumiya 2009”
Source: ANN
I was typing a large “Rewatch of Haruhi Suzumiya” post, but I guess I’ll have to revise that to “Haruhi Suzumiya 2009”
oh yeah, i squealed when i saw it….im really we get “The Dissapearance of Haruhi Suzumiya” been looking forward to it for so long and now that my haruhi-chan shorts are over, i need moar haruhi. cant ever get enough >.<
oh thought you might be interested, Shin-Gx is releasing the Kannagi DVD rips, you can check it out on their site.
insert hoping between “we” and “get”…..stupid post.
I call
bullshitnice boat. I’ll believe it when I see it.@jersey: Eh, I’m skeptical. Episode 00 was listed as episode 1 for the 2009 airing, but it turned out otherwise. Thanks for the info on Kannagi though!
@RP: Same here. Maybe a Kyon facepalm would’ve been a better choice for a picture.
[…] http://www.kuubrog.com/2009/a-new-haruhi-ep-finally/ http://www.notcliche.com/lbw/haruhi-re-runs-8th-episode-listed-as-new-episode http://kankeishorui.wordpress.com/2009/05/18/melancholy-of-haruhi-suzumiyas-new-episode-8/ http://runaroundkazu.wordpress.com/2009/05/17/8th-haruhi-episode-confirmed-to-be-a-new-one/ http://zotaku.com/2009/05/18/haruhi-new-episode-rumors-again/ http://mikoto.wordpress.com/2009/05/17/2009-haruhi-episode-8-to-be-a-new-episode/ […]
DEAR GOD I’M EXCITED AND PUMPED AND I guess I have to watch the first six episodes chronologically) over again.
I was rewatching it to begin with, so it’s no big deal for me (so I’ve got my inner Haruhi fanboy sorta revved up already).
I can BS, like always.
Kyoani god trolls after Anno.
Early word is that it was a rerun.
[…] reruns of the original show. Many sources I’ve read include Sankaku Complex, Cartoon Leap, Mikotoism, and Anime Affairs. I don’t know if I can wait this long for a whole season! I’ll […]