2009 Haruhi Episode 8 to be a new episode

Source: ANN

I was typing a large “Rewatch of Haruhi Suzumiya” post, but I guess I’ll have to revise that to “Haruhi Suzumiya 2009”

10 Comments on “2009 Haruhi Episode 8 to be a new episode”

  1. jerseyse410 says:

    oh yeah, i squealed when i saw it….im really we get “The Dissapearance of Haruhi Suzumiya” been looking forward to it for so long and now that my haruhi-chan shorts are over, i need moar haruhi. cant ever get enough >.<

    oh thought you might be interested, Shin-Gx is releasing the Kannagi DVD rips, you can check it out on their site.

  2. jerseyse410 says:

    insert hoping between “we” and “get”…..stupid post.

  3. RP says:

    I call bullshit nice boat. I’ll believe it when I see it.

  4. fangzhao says:

    @jersey: Eh, I’m skeptical. Episode 00 was listed as episode 1 for the 2009 airing, but it turned out otherwise. Thanks for the info on Kannagi though!

    @RP: Same here. Maybe a Kyon facepalm would’ve been a better choice for a picture.

  5. glothelegend says:

    DEAR GOD I’M EXCITED AND PUMPED AND I guess I have to watch the first six episodes chronologically) over again.

  6. bob not 51 says:

    I can BS, like always.

    Kyoani god trolls after Anno.

  7. Gato says:

    Early word is that it was a rerun.

  8. […] reruns of the original show. Many sources I’ve read include Sankaku Complex, Cartoon Leap, Mikotoism, and Anime Affairs. I don’t know if I can wait this long for a whole season! I’ll […]

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