This is how I do the censoring.

Queen’s Blade uncensored version had a horrible premise, decent artwork, and awesome seiyuu.

Queen’s Blade censored version presents a black screen, and awesome seiyuu.

Suddenly, a mist appears!

> Run away

Can’t escape!

Mist hits you for 9000 damage, just a hair short of the meme threshold!

I think I understand the concept of solar panels now.


I’d prefer a certain man’s face instead of shiny people, really…

Note that this picture comes from my streaming days. => bad quality

Somebody's happy that there's no shiny people in Zetsubou Sensei!


May be NSFW…

“Whoops, I guess my hand holding the eraser of doom slipped!”

I'm not trying to; it's the glare!


tl;dr: Why is Queen’s Blade censoring so bad?

7 Comments on “This is how I do the censoring.”

  1. Shit. Those mists are annoying me.

    • fangzhao says:

      At least the mists can be explained (with effort), but how does darkness conveniently move about? ‘Tis a mystery, this one.

      Now all I’m expecting from the censored version of Queen’s Blade is just short of this… but hey, at least we have the uncensored ver- Jesus, I don’t want to see another clogged up breast attack.

  2. jerseyse410 says:

    god i hate this anime, im severely dissapointed that my favorite seiyeuu is playing a demonic rabbit titty monster that sprays acid from her nipples and its just no..fanservice does not make an anime, ive seen hentai better than this shit..aka shoujo sect ~innocent sisters~ or aneimo!….at least strike witches and they are my noble masters have a decent story and plenty of comedy, this is just absolute shit.

  3. Shin says:

    Why even censor, Japan? ┐( ¯3¯)┌

  4. Griffenater says:

    lol I’m so happy I haven’t seen a censored one yet.

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