The three guys met : an alternate interpretation of School Days

In the school, the three guys met.  Their relation had been changed in the season, and turned into three love stories.

For lack of a better definition, I will define “guy” as “male = not having breasts.”

And thus begins the search for the truth behind School Days‘s tagline.





More proof.

I’ve got two of the “three guys” down pat, but I’m still looking for the third one.

The closest I’ve got is this guy.  He’s in an episode for a good five seconds at least.

But still, you’d think that if the title mentions three guys, it should be three main characters, right?

Hmmn.  I guess I’ll have to dig a little deeper…





I knew it.


Okay, so now that I know who these “three guys” are, I’m going to have to guess the meaning of the rest of the tagline.

Their relation had been changed in the season

Needless to say, “relation” refers to mortal enemies.  Makoto and Taisuke start out as friends and don’t know Setsuna, and it’s quite obvious what happens next.  As Makoto becomes more and more of an ass, Setsuna and Taisuke band together and attack Makoto equally.  Setsuna is protective of Sekai, and Taisuke lusts after Kotonoha, so Makoto’s actions to both Sekai and Kotonoha enrage Taisuke and Setsuna.

In other words:

In addition, this part of the tagline is in… passive voice?

There’s only one plausible reason for this: all of this was done by somebody or something else.  Makoto is not an ass because he’s trying to be one – somebody is secretly pulling all the strings here.  Based on her performances in the series, this whore seems to be the perpetrator:

Apparently, MAL says her name is Minami Obuchi, but I think a better name would be “Criminal Mastermind Obuchi.”

She has the power to bully Kotonoha, perhaps even to the point where Kotonoha listens to her threats and forces herself to go out with Makoto, even though she knows Sekai and Makoto are like two peas in a pod.  Kotonoha didn’t really like Makoto.  She just didn’t want news to get out that she’s secretly a drug lord.

By pushing Kotonoha at the right times, Criminal Mastermind Obuchi made Makoto fall for Kotonoha even after he and Sekai got it on.  Who Sekai the motivation to kill Makoto?  CMO, through Kotonoha.  Who gave her the knife?  CMO dropped it in her pocket.

Yet one thing remains to be solved: Why did Kotonoha kill Sekai?  Obviously, Sekai learned about Kotonoha’s shady dealings after talking with Makoto, who found the pot in Kotonoha’s house way back in episode 2 or 3.  Sekai knew too much, so Kotonoha took her out.

So why did Kotonoha run away with Makoto’s head?  Well, CMO was assassinated.  That’s right.  After she killed Sekai, Kotonoha knew she couldn’t stay at the school anymore.  To protect herself and to get revenge, Kotonoha took down CMO with the hacksaw she used on Sekai.

“Wait, so why Makoto’s head?”  Well, it’s simple enough.  Before, I stated that Kotonoha didn’t want to go out with Makoto.  That’s still true… but there’s a reason why a huge black market figure like Kotonoha was going to Makoto’s school.  Makoto’s parents were at the head of a criminal organization, and had sent some hitmen to kill Kotonoha’s uncle, the head of the Katsura corporation.  As the next-in-line for the throne (Kotonoha’s parents were unsuitable and the uncle had no children), Kotonoha had to avenge her uncle’s death.  Thus, she enrolled in this school to get back at the Itou foundation.

The day before Makoto was killed, a rival clan of the Itou foundation attacked, and drove the heads into hiding.  With her information network, Kotonoha heard of this, and decided that the time had come (there were less bodyguards by the Itou heads’ side).  In the final scene, we see Kotonoha holding Makoto’s head on a boat.  She is obviously sailing to the Itou family’s summer home on a private island, ready to present the Itou heads with their son’s head at the other end of a shotgun.

three love stories

“Love stories” here is a replacement for “turf wars.”

The first turf war occurs before the anime starts.  The Itou Foundation and the Katsura Corporation duke it out, and Kotonoha’s uncle is murdered in the fighting.

The second turf war happens during the story.  The Itou Foundation loses to their rival clan, and Makoto’s parents are driven into hiding.

The third turf war is to come.  Kotonoha is sailing to the Itou heads’ hiding spot to singlehandedly take down the Itou Foundation once and for all.




"...or else you'll be the next one to go..."

4 Comments on “The three guys met : an alternate interpretation of School Days”

  1. IcyStorm says:

    Shit, I always wondered what that tagline meant. I have a Nice Boat shirt and people always try to read the tagline under it. I say it has nothing to do with Nice Boat because I thought there were only two guys in the show.

    You proved me wrong.

  2. jerseyse410 says:

    im beyond lost…..*not that my interest lies in the original school days plot anyways*

  3. AnimeXploit says:

    lol that was entertaining, but no the tagline is just poor japanese to english translation 😛

  4. fangzhao says:

    @IcyStorm: But of course! Still, the School Days tagline is one horrible piece of English…

    @jerseyse410: This is what you get when you put a sick, sleep-deprived guy in front of a computer.

    @AnimeXploit: Yeah, I know it’s just a bad translation, haha!

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