The Ahoge

Shana is right behind Mikoto on the awesome scale.

The ahoge.

Every anime, with little (perhaps no) exceptions, has a character with an ahoge.

It’s everywhere.


Chiaki’s ahoge

Perhaps the most famous ahoge is the one perched atop Chiaki’s head in the Minami-ke franchise.

Her ahoge is also probably one of the weirdest shaped ones.


 =  ???


Oh, and it moves.

Speaking of moving ahoges, we have the ahoge I mentioned in the previous post about Saki 01.


Hisa’s ahoge

Well, it’s… springy.

As in, like a spring.

Not much I can really say besides holy shit, another red haired girl (just noticed).


Another moving ahoge…

Najimi’s ahoge

Najimi from Akikan! has an interesting ahoge.

Instead of moving about like Chiaki’s ahoge or springing up like Hisa’s ahoge, Najimi’s ahoge wanders all over the place and contorts itself into various poses.

Usually, it’s spiral-ish, but as you can see in the screenshot above, it changes shape according to Najimi’s mood.  When she’s embarrassed, the ahoge droops down!


Oh, and covergirl

Shana’s ahoge

Shana is a goddess.

Her ahoge is different from those of the three above in that it starts from the back of her head and goes forward.

Najimi’s ahoge comes from the middle, and the ahoges of Hisa and Chiaki come from the front.

Shana’s ahoge is often drawn differently in fanart (as seen in the top picture), and Shana is very awesome.


Little miss otaku

Konata’s ahoge


Konata’s ahoge is one of the most well-known ahoges out there.

Her ahoge has nothing distinctive and, indeed, looks like the stereotypical ahoge (fitting for the otaku, I suppose?).

'tis THE ahoge.


An interesting type of ahoge is best represented by

The Furukawa hair antennae

Sanae, Akio, and Nagisa (Ushio doesn’t have them because she’s a Okazaki!) all possess a special type of ahoge: the hair antennae, as Wikipedia dubs them.

Instead of one strand of hair popping out of Nagisa’s head, she has two.

Double the clumsiness?  Perhaps.

But anyway, they really look like insect antennae.




But enough of ahoges.

Let us move on to….


"Holy shit, what the f-"

You might as well call these two the Ahoge brothers.

This is the ahoge alchemist.

"Let's go, ahoge brothers!"

Major Ahoge Louis Ahogestrong.

Fullmetal Alchemist should be renamed Fullmanhoge ahogemist.

19 Comments on “The Ahoge”

  1. jerseyse410 says:

    omg im dying….hahaha. ok first i have to say, i actually like yuuji, hes pretty cool, silver fireballs, a big ass blutsauber claymore and he has shana, yeah thats 100% win in my book BUT good editing nonetheless, you’ll have to teach me your photoshop skillz one day.

    as for the chiaki ahoge, this is possibly the strangest “dollop” of hair i have ever seen, it looks like someone scooped out a dollop of sour cream, colored it to match her hair and gave it the wigglies. though i have to say i always thought it was an idiocy radar as it always went bonkers when kana, uchida and mako-chan were all in the same room together.

    once correction though

    “shana is right behind mikoto on the awesome scale.” AHEM!
    “louise, shana and taiga are right ahead of mikoto on the awesome scale” <—fixed.

    but i digress, usually i dont notice ahoges but when i was watching fullmetal alchemist yesterday, i was like damn thats a lot of little ponytails. i didnt notice the one in saki though, i was too busy watching matrix bullet time ultra max payne super slow mo mahjong tile placing.

    • fangzhao says:

      My photoshop skills are a force to be reckoned with!

      Actually, I don’t not like Yuuji that much… it’s just that it seems that Shana > Yuuji by light-years, and that they just don’t go together. Shana hoping that Yuuji will choose her over non-fire-wielding girl at the end of S2? PSH. Should’ve been Yuuji waiting for Shana!

      ““shana is right behind mikoto on the awesome scale.” AHEM!
      “louise, shana and taiga are right ahead of mikoto on the awesome scale” <—fixed.”
      OH, NO WAY.
      This blog is Mikotoism…!
      Mikoto is the very definition of all that is holy in the anime universe!

      The first thing I noticed while watching FMA2 (I’m watching it partially because all of the other people I’ve met who are commenting on FMA 2 are comparing it to the first season and the manga… and as a semi-FMA noob, I feel that unbiased opinions matter too! Or I’m just interested.) was Al’s ahoge. Oh jesus, a suit of armor with a strand of hair. What has this world come down to?

  2. jerseyse410 says:


  3. jerseyse410 says:

    yeah ill agree with you there, big breasted plain (potential) yandere or shana hmmm…..let me smack myself in the balls before i answer that, oh yeah wait, that was shana that kicked me in the balls again, yeah im gonna go for the small chested but just kickass awesome flame red haired chick.

  4. 7 says:

    ROFLMAO…wow, I’m pissing my pants off reading this…okay, I lied about the pissing in the pants part. ^_^

    But ahoges…why they exist. It’s obviously a mind control broadcasting device subconsciously implying us to adore whoever owns the ahoge. ^_^

  5. What!? No Tenma ahoge? You fail.

  6. jerseyse410 says:

    wtf is that lolwut from? thats just evil!

  7. jerseyse410 says:

    oh! and i protest your caption on the main shana picture for this article.

  8. fangzhao says:

    It’s Tenma Tsukamoto (is that the right last name? lol) from School Rumble!

    Plus Mikoto and I both disagree. Mikoto is obviously the best there is!

  9. kary says:

    LOLL. :3

    Watch FMA. D:< Do eet.

  10. tai says:

    Yukine Miyazawa’s ahoge is small, but it’s one of my favourites, not sure why.

  11. Kitsune says:

    hahaha I liked the ant analogy 🙂

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