Spring 2009 First Impressions: Part Three

Part three of my spring 2009 first impressions: Sengoku BASARA, Valkyria Chronicles, Kigurumikku V3Cross Game, and Tears to Tiara.


Sengoku BASARA

Well, basically, it’s samurai, superhuman powers, and flashy colors.

It felt like Munto minus Munto and the central plotline.  In other words, it was just random armies fighting each other to gain control of the land.

Not a bad plotline to base an anime off of, and this anime certainly gave me the dose of action that I lacked in Winter 2008 (damn you, Regios!).



Valkyria Chronicles

…feels like a Spice and Wolf ripoff.

Lets face it, Welkin looks just like [Craft] Lawrence.

If Welkin had white hair, I don’t think I’d be able to tell the two apart!

In other aspects, though, this anime is quite different from Spice and Wolf.  You’ve got your WWI-ish setting, your military conflict, your RPG elements, etc.



Kigurumikku V3

Parody at its finest.  That’s just about all I can say to this quirky little OVA.

Everything is so stereotyped… and then you get random one-liners like “peeing down the side of my leg” and the screenshot up top, and you know something’s up.  And that’s a good thing.



Cross Game

If you look back at the episode, it’s pretty obvious that Mrs. Cuteness (who doesn’t look all that cute, really) was going to kick the bucket.

Still, it hit me pretty hard.  Usually, the death itself is overdramatized, but having the moment of ultimate dramaz come after the funeral, when Kou saw Akaishi crying… that was brilliant.  This way, the audience can truly feel the naiveness (that’s an actual word) of Kou as a child.  As a grade schooler, Kou can’t comprehend that his best friend (and possible lover) is dead, and doesn’t know how to grieve for her, even going to the festival on her funeral day.

I hope to see Kou grow up to be a baseball great.

Epic win.


Tears to Tiara

aka Tears to the sounds of the characters’ names

This anime has some of the weirdest names I’ve ever heard of.
Zeus?  Hades?  Poseidon?  More like Flay, Yelba, Dwrc, and Pwyll!
Ironic how the only person with a normal name is the main character…

The storyline itself is… basic.
Girl gets captured because of evil old retard and brother goes to the rescue.

How do swords cut through armor?  I’m not quite sure. 

Normal.  I’m pretty iffy on this one.

2 Comments on “Spring 2009 First Impressions: Part Three”

  1. jerseyse410 says:

    not too much to say on this one, not gonna watch sengoku basara, i prefer novels of the old japan aka (James Clavell’s Shogun) to animes depicting the past. just got through DL’ing cross game, tears to tiara and the update subs for shangrila, so i gotta watch those today but for now i think thats it, still got some awesome stuff coming out, i left that list on your user CP on zomgforums but overall my impressions for this season have been better than last, much more watchable or at least semi-interesting first episodes.

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