Saki 01: Why Saki is a parody

Incredible.  Simply incredible.
Failure is either larger than a city or smaller than a stick of gum, depending on whether or not you know how to play mahjong, or whether this is a parody or not.



Obligatory fanservice shot.

 The biggest problem I have with Saki is not knowing whether or not it’s a parody.

If it were a parody, I’d say: GREAT job.

If it isn’t, then… holy shit, this fails.



The loli.

The spazzy loli.

The animal-wearing spazzy loli.

The pigtailed, animal-wearing spazzy loli.

The pigtailed, fang-tan, animal-wearing spazzy loli.

The pigtailed, fang-tan, animal-wearing spazzy loli voiced by Rie Kugimiya.  (gomen, I just had to put that in here)

It’s too ridiculous.  She’s too stereotypical.  She wears a longcat as a belt, is miles shorter than everybody else, eats constantly, has a fang, is constanly making weird facial expressions, and has childish hair.  She is more of a stereotypical loli than any other anime character I’ve ever seen before.  Taking her character seriously is very tough to do, as she’s basically the loli archetype.

Basically, if you don’t know mahjong, you can’t understand half the episode.
Who the hell cares if Saki can break even every single time if you can’t understand what that even means (or that plus/minus zero means breaking even…)?

To have this not be a parody, either the targeted audience (i.e. Japanese people) all know mahjong (a lot do, but…), or this is one fail-filled show.


Since when has mahjong been srsbsns?

Plus if it’s going to be this dramatic in the first episode, then I can definitely say that when an actual match comes up (as in, “nationals”), I will be cowering in the corner of my room, trying to get away from all the lightning, thunder, cheerleaders, disco ball, and fireworks coming from my screen.

Seriously, do we need the electricity?  The dramatic placing down of the tile is already too flashy, and now you’ve got biribiri doing your work.



You know, when a character flat out explains the rules of the game in a separate section, you know something’s up.

Later, the characters say, “So basically, the time’s cut in half.”  “Yeah.”  (something along those lines)
Either they are trying desparately to simplify the game in layman’s terms or they’re just making fun of one of the biggest problems with game/sport-based anime: how to connect the game/sport to the viewers.


HAH, even the loli realizes that she’s in a parody!

The student council congress president has one large ahoge.

In fact, there is an entire scene dedicated to her ahoge to draw viewer attention to the fact that she possesses an ahoge.

So why is this scene even here?  My guess would be that it’s to …antistereotype (?) Hisa.
An ahoge usually represents clumsiness and stupidity, but Hisa doesn’t seem to be very clumsy at all.  Rather, she’s the one who notices that Saki gets three +-0s in a row.  Obviously, this very fact obviously shows Saki’s blatantly obvious skill at obviously getting obvious +-0s in an obvious row.  Obviously, Hisa isn’t smart.  Rather, she’s the smartest of the dumbest.

It’s pretty hard not to go “huh?” if Saki gets three +-0s in a row (I mean, even by chance… isn’t that incredibly tough to do…?  It’s like winning the lottery three times in a row [not a good example]).  Yet nobody questions it or points it out.  It takes somebody with an ahoge (somebody clumsy) to point out that Saki has an unusual skill in breaking even.

So what does all of this mean?  Well basically, it means that the other characters are retards.  They can’t even tell that Saki is gifted, and they need an “idiot” to tell them before they realize it themselves.

The yuri/lesbianism in this episode also shows signs of parody.

What kind of main character falls in love with another girl?  It’s so ludicrous that a romance between Saki and Nodoka would only serve to tell the audience, “Hey, this is really far from reality, because things like this usually don’t happen to japanese high school freshmen girls!”

Yes, I know that GONZO loves its fanservice (just look at Strike Witches!), but the fanservice here was in-your-face nonetheless.

The ‘obligatory fanservice shot’ near the beginning of this post and the screenshot above are just about as obvious “THIS IS FANSERVICE” as you’re going to get, really.  And what better to reinforce parody aspects than to give us random fanservice shots?  Basically, my reasoning here is that of Hayate no Gotoku, which used Hinagiku fanservice a lot for comedic effect: “random fanservice diverts viewer attention away from the main storyline, and inserts a degree of randomness into the anime.”  This degree of randomness translates somewhat into “why is this happening in a mahjong-based anime again…?” and thus, parody.


In conclusion,

Saki is either a great parody or a crappy, what-the-hell-is-going-on??!? anime.


8 Comments on “Saki 01: Why Saki is a parody”

  1. jerseyse410 says:

    i laughed most of this episode pointing out themes as i saw them trying to figure out if this was an actual sports anime or a comedy. you have yuri themes, you have my absolute hands down favorite fang-tan since lucchini (pantsu witches)…i watched this episode specifically to see what character rie voiced and was not dissapointed at all. laughed my ass off when i saw her, but back to business. the pokemon-esque background themes that kind of snuck their way in, the dramatic shadow over eyes, not sure if shes about to stab somebody look, the missing nipple in the fanservice shot..cloth be damned!

    my opinion it was alright, for not knowing shit about mahjong, my interest was actually held, i didnt pause the anime and go surf the internet for 30 mins like i did for some already this season, i didnt yawn and start seeking through the video, i thought it was alright, if it keeps up ill actually watch it, if not then ill know its another shitty sports anime that belongs in the trash with what was called “Major”.

    The pigtailed, fang-tan, animal-wearing spazzy loli voiced by Rie Kugimiya. (Bugger off! I like it)

    • fangzhao says:

      I didn’t like the fang-tan loli, though Rie Kugimiya is my favorite seiyuu.
      When she tried to explain the basics of the special game they were playing, my liking for her just blew up.

      I’m going to keep watching this, but I have a feeling that this is going to become a pretty bad anime somewhere along the line… like, it feels as if the comedy will slowly fade away and get replaced by some hardcore mahjong playing (and who wants to see that? x_x).

      P.S.: Lucchini is awesome indeed. (Fang-tan + green hair always works. Tsuruya was awesome. Lucchini was awesome.)

  2. […] of moving ahoges, we have the ahoge I mentioned in the previous post about Saki […]

  3. tai says:

    I like mahjong, so I shall watch this fail show. fufufufufuffufu!

  4. […] Two.5 (Part Two somehow wormed its way out of this post into a separate post: Saki 01) of my Spring 2009 First Impressions: Higepiyo, Asura Cryin’, Fullmetal Alchemist: […]

  5. Tommy says:

    Interesting statement there fangzhao. I haven’t watch Saki yet since it’s a mahjong anime I don’t have such interest but after reading I might give it a try.

    • fangzhao says:

      I have absolutely no interest in mahjong, so I have no idea what’s going on half the time…. and I’m actually quite confused whether or not this is really a parody! D:

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