Ristorante Paradiso 01 – 02: Old men with glasses

Quite a bit here.  The fail here is about the size of a truck.

Shit, it really is shoujo!  And hardcore “old guys with glasses fetish” shoujo!

Still, I know one person who’d like this for sure (excuse the lack of a better picture with correctly colored eyes):

"Look, I'm in the same position as that sexy guy!"

I was looking forward to something of a slice-of-life show with people coming to the bar restaurant and getting advice from the bartender old men with glasses.

I mean, seriously.  If you read any of the reports about the show beforehand, that’s probably what you thought!
For example, this article on ANN pretty much says “this is going to be a slice-of-life show, perhaps a SOC comedy.”

The PV (click “speciale” and then the one on the right) also didn’t really dictate this as a weird shoujo fetish romance.  The blush early on could have hinted at a romance, but the rest of the PV showed more SOC comedy aspects than anything else.

Basically, I was looking for a good, solid SOC show (like Bartender or Shinigami no Ballad), but I got “sexy” old men with glasses.

Huge noses and anorexic characters.  Not good for character design in my book.

I liked the eyes, but the noses were just too much.
I found myself looking at the noses before the rest of their faces.  @__@

Those dissidents of Code Geass, saying Lelouch was anorexic beyond belief… take a look at Claudio!
He ain’t no product of CLAMP, but he’s undoubtedly as thin as, or even thinner than, Lelouch.

And in his elderly years, looking that starved ain’t good.

The best part of this show for me was Nicoletta’s facial expressions.

How can a character with eyes like that, a nose like that, and an overall character design like that compete with the best in terms of facial expressions (Nagi-sama, for one)?  I’m not quite sure, but there’s something about her that’s strangely awesome. 

Random loli scene!



What’s up with this guy’s cheek, anyway?
I know he’s eating in this screenshot, but he ain’t eating in the OP, nor is he eating all the time.  His cheek is almost always puffed out…?!


This, no doubt, has got to be the best facial expression I have ever seen.
100% win.
Now only if the rest of the anime could be like this… 

Eh, I’m going to keep watching this one.  It’s definitely got some potential for epic and utter failure, and I don’t see any possibility of awesomeness in its future (happy ending in a romance like this =/= not my type), but Nicoletta is freaking awesome and I want to know more about that cheek.

5 Comments on “Ristorante Paradiso 01 – 02: Old men with glasses”

  1. jerseyse410 says:

    this kinda creeps me out a bit, i downloaded the first 2 eps but after reading the episode discussions and MAL and now this, it seems a bit TOO shoujo for my liking..umm im thinking of passing for now unless further developments come to light.

    • fangzhao says:

      Yeah, definitely.

      When this scene came up, I couldn’t keep myself from laughing. It was so straight-out and direct…!

      Episode 1 was pretty awesome, but episode 2 went down the shoujo romance path.

  2. […] few days back, I made this post about Ristorante Paradiso 01 – 02, claiming that Nicoletta made the best facial expression in […]

  3. Rman says:

    The series isn’t shoujo by a long shot, despite having a romantic thread to the plot. It was published in Erotics F, which focuses on mature series for older men and women. And trust me when I say it certainly doesn’t take the traditional route with its romantic content (there isn’t a romantic resolution).

    GiGi’s mogumogu cheeks are his moe point (like Luciano being tsundere or Claudio embodying the shinshi moe archetype).

    Any amount of basic research about the mangaka would have turned up her long and elaborate history within the shinshi moe subgenre. Hell, she pretty much invented it. It’s amusing to see so many people shocked by the presence of old men w/glasses in a series that set the subgenre standard.

    • fangzhao says:

      Yeah, I’m not too sure about that myself. I’m pretty sure that this ain’t targeting men as much as it’s targeting women, but it’s definitely aiming at a josei/seinen age group. I guess I’ll be looking forward more to the romantic part now! 😮

      I didn’t even know that this was based on a manga… x_x
      I don’t usually read manga, so..
      Anyway, that could be the reason why I personally react like this.

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