Charady’s Daily Joke: Cute comedy or twisted show?
Posted: April 9, 2009 Filed under: Uncategorized 5 Comments »Is this anime supposed to be a light-hearted comedy with a cosplaying main character, or is it supposed to be a horrific, scarier-than-Higurashi anime with gory scenes, hidden themes, and the opposite of every single “life lesson” that kids learn?!?
P.S.: I think this post is pretty funny. You better agree, losers! (Not trying to actually insult people here…)
Cute, funny comedy?

In it for the Charady.

In it for the Zetsubou Sensei art.

In it for the Charady.

In it for the Paper Mario animation.

In it for the Charady.

In it for the one liners. And Charady.

This is a comedy... right, Bath Pig?
No, wrong. This is a sick, twisted anime, the kind that gives children nightmares that haunt them for the rest of their lives. Charady’s Daily “Joke” promotes themes like necrophilia and anti-feminism. The only “joke” here is on the viewer. The audience is unknowingly submitted to throngs of disgusting scenes that reek of all that we have put behind us. Humanity has toiled for centuries trying to put away old, anachronistic, and downright nasty ideas… and this anime is trying to drag them out of the trash can. Oyashiro-sama truly stands behind the animators of this wicked show, for man is simply not capable of producing such a horrific series.
Look at this shit.
An insane, short-tempered old woman lugging around a dead dog.
Not only is this necrophilia, but it’s also nothing short of beastiality.
This old shriveled up lady loves her dead dog. She claims she’s bringing the dog’s body to a graveyard, but we know better than to believe her mad words. She’ undoubtedly crazy, and the very fact that she tries to ship around a dead dog as luggage proves this. We can’t trust her words, so we have to bring in our own interpretations of her line.
Obviously, she’s not bringing the dog to “Boston.”
She’s speaking Japanese, and the workers are too.
Thus “Boston” probably means “Japanese love hotel.”
A “graveyard” symbolizes death and burial, and what better way to say “end a relationship” than “bring it to a graveyard?”
She wants to use her pet one last time and then finally terminate their relationship for good.
So far, her intentions are clear as day:
I was going to end our relationship in a Japanese love hotel.
But why? Why would she go to such lengths to do such a thing to her beloved bitch (SO PUNNY)? Even I don’t know that. But one thing remains clear: Charady’s Daily Joke is exposing viewers to some utterly disgusting ideas.
First off, let’s take a look at the background.
Red and Green stripes. The Republican Party and the Green Party.
How fitting is it to have this disgusting anime bring up politics? *spits*
Just because Obama is black. That’s it? Pshaw.
And what is the man in the picture? Native American. A minority.
And what is Obama? Part of the minority.
And at what point of the episode is this scene? The punchline.
The man in the screenshot, who obviously represents President Barack Obama, is portrayed as an idiot, mixing up the orders given to him.
Now we see the true colors of those who made this anime. They don’t want Obama in office. The red and green background at this punchline scene proves it. The Republicans and the Green Party unite to take down the “stupid” Obama. Great job. Great freaking job.
And then what do they do? They hit two countries with one Nice Boat.
They go for Obama’s masculinity while attacking feminism.
What is this? These are BREASTS, that’s what they are.
By portraying Obama as having breasts, the crew of Charady’s Daily Joke over at Kyoto University of Art and Design is linking him to women. He is portrayed as “weak,” inferior to real “men.” Having breasts, he is also seen as naturally stupid, giving an explanation to why he messes up.
And they don’t stop there. Oh, no. They go on.
They go on to bash women and feminism in general.
Obama’s “breasts” are incredibly prominent. In fact, they could be considered the focal point of the entire screen in this scene!
This accentuates the sexuality of women. Because all of the audience’s attention is directed at the breasts of this “female Obama,” we cannot turn to look at what the “woman” is doing or note her intelligence. All we can see are her breasts.
This is placing women in the “object” role. From the POV of these soulless animators, women are nothing but objects of sexual desire. All men see and [what they think] should see are a woman’s breasts.
And what’s this?
Instead of simply staying by subliminal themes, those insane people have resorted to a blatant display of their wickedness.
There is no room for argument here.
The theme is right there. “Women are objects for sex and nothing else,” they say.
And finally, perhaps most sickening of all, we have the theme of secrecy.
A child knows about his parents’ affairs, and the parents are dazed. Why?
The expression on the parents’ faces tells the audience that as a result of the truth being exposed, the mother and the father have “died.” Their eyes are no longer in their eye sockets, and they have turned a bluish color… a color that feels cold and clammy, like a dead person. They have stopped moving, and are stuck in the position in which they “died.”
These “deaths” of theirs are portrayed so vividly, and the child is seen as incredibly malicious. Why?
Well, this is to deter the audience from going down this path. BECAUSE the child exposed his parents’ secrets, he has become 100% evil and his parents have perished. Telling the truth caused this catastrophic and scary result. So thus it is implied that “telling the truth causes pain and death.” Using this logic, we can see that Kyoto’s animation atudents are undoubtedly promoting the idea of “lying is good.”
HAD the child not told the truth, this scene would not have taken place. The parents held up their ends of the bargain. They lied, and look what kind of lives the family lived before the child told the truth: happy, sunshine-filled lives.
Lies had maintained that happy world.
Truth had destroyed it and turned it into a living hell.

A truly sadistic cast.
Charady’s Daily Joke is one hell of a “joke.”
P.S.: Call me crazy, whatever. This was a parody! (late disclaimer D:)
whoa wtf? this looks like the japanese version of a cartoon robot chicken…seriously, strange ass art styles and themes, weird animations and figures, randomosity at every turn..yep thats robot chicken and i will NOT be watching this anime because i despise robot chicken here in america and this anime just looks blah as well.
btw have you watched higepiyo yet? it reminds me of the little chicken from tokimeki memorial ~only love~ that walks around going “pew pewpew pew pew” and the guy somehow understands what hes saying.
I actually kind of like this anime. It’s a bunch of one-liners to a variety of art/animation styles – not really as random as Robot Chicken, but up there (and I like randomness, heheh).
Yeah, I watched Higepiyo. It’s quite… weird.
hehe nothing like a drunk alcoholic yakuza eyed chicken eh?
Definitely! I used to watch quite a bit of shows like Robot Chicken, but then anime got to me (not sure if that’s a good thing…).
just becuz they have a guy with man boobs and green and red in the background doesn’t mean they are being mean to obama -.- it could mean nothing… at all